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so what if Deutchbank proves that all of 45's loans are co-signed by the Russian Mafia and he pays little to no taxes annually, that just?

PROVES that he is the best businessman EVER! He's great and caring and careful and woke and YUGELY popular.....the IDEAL man to govern poor people who don't have his class or ability!

Roast//me if I'm wrong....

5 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    Everything you need to know about Trump and his "best" how he managed to bankrupt THREE casino's, whose sole function is to just take your money................

    and then his wonderous business decisions to sell "exclusive" Trump Steaks.......thru an electronics store.

    Okay. you really have to STOP and think about this..........and picture the board room.

    Hey, boss! I have an idea.........let's call cow meat "EXCLUSIVE"! and charge 5 times the going price for it -

    Trump: Uhhhhhhh. well, what makes cows "exclusive"?

    Why, we'll slap your NAME on the packaging!

    Trump: BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!! I LIKE IT.-.----we'll call it...............TRUMP STEAKS!

    Okay........sooooooo . how do we sell Steaks anyway, since I am in the real estate business. ?

    Got it covered boss........I got Two words for ya..................RADIO SHACK!

    Because whenever I am listening to the radio or stereo I bought in Radio Shack......I Always wish I had a juicy steak. So we'll connect the two..........and sell MEAT thru an electronics store!

    Trump : BRILLIANT Idea!!!!!!!!! Okay.........soooooooooo. where do we get some cows from?

    Boss, I know this Russia........he'll give us a good deal...............................

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Yeah, that proves Trump's business "acumen." Notwithstanding the multiple bankruptcies, and the numerous business belly-ups that he's presided over.

    Trump has neither "class," nor "ability." He just has a truckload of horseshoes shoved up his doughy a**. The Truth is catching up with him, and he's reacting by wanting to buy Greenland.

    Of course, Trump is perfectly qualified to rule over poor people, he was born into money, and never had to get those tiny hands dirty. He just has a talent for energizing idiots by capitalizing on their greed, because he's the greediest of all.

    This is a guy that doesn't even need to show any evidence of stability or "Genius." Anything that might show his complete incompetence and/or criminality is "Fake News." And that would include any news about Deutsche Bank , a YUUGE launderer of money for Russian oligarchs.

    Trump isn't a "businessman," he's a f*****g CROOK.

  • 2 years ago

    Sadly; life is one big long stretch of Hobson's choices. He was, is and remains "Not Hillary".

    I held my nose to vote for him in 2016, and if one of the current group of Democrat hopefuls gets the Dem nomination, I may be forced to again. If there is no other viable alternative.

    Source(s): .........CFB Borden Military Museum; do you recommend? RCR Museum in London?
  • 2 years ago

    Sounds good to me.

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  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You have a severe mental illness. You posted in the wrong category too. Stop obsessing. Your opinion means zero.

    Stop posting. Find a hobby.

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