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What would you say is the single most remarkable aspect of your Christian experience; the one that holds the most meaning for you?

10 Answers

  • J H
    Lv 6
    1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    The single most remarkable aspect of my Christian walk is to destroy the

    works of satan . Our work was to pray against witchcraft. We made at

    least 100 prayers daily.We could feel the evil that was pervasive in our

    home. At the time we had a wonderful German Shepherd we named

    Kale.Whenever the evil poured in,Kale would curl up into a very tight

    ball.Then we would pray and he would unwind.Whenever the H.S.

    or the angels were present,Kale would begin to pant and look up

    benignly., which was frequent.Then we were told to visit Victoria

    which was a world center for witches at that time. The Spirit

    would point out how they found their members.An older man

    who had a bible in his lap would greet younger people and if they

    scorned the bible he would invite them to a recruiting party.We

    were shown much more.

    Then we were hired to work with the mentally handicapped.

    That is when it got hot and heavy! Ken lived at Woodlands

    in ward 47, for the extremely violent.We had one day off and a

    trained worker would take him out while we rested. This one

    evening Ken came back agitated and smelling like he had not

    made it to the washroom. My spouse questioned him to learn

    that they took him to a secluded area and put him in the centre

    of a circle.They had black hats and they chanted,etc. We learned

    that this group were part of the ministry that were given custody

    of all those that had severe mental disabilities.The place shut

    down but not before the news leaked out that they were torturing

    and abusing these children.The general public ran to the ministry

    which we learned were the perpetrators and leaders.Yes, I had

    the privilege in the exorcism of this shiny new creature for the

    Lord. One of his programs was to kill my wife.He lifted the knife

    but he could not kill my wife He really loved her. There is much

    more.The Lord really taught us a lot and that was just the very


  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Conversion stands out.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    All of my encounters with Yeshua are special, but the first time will always be the most important to me. Search YouTube for "Jesus encounter".

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Reception of the body and blood of my Lord and Savior at every Mass I attend.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    The day I was brought into the Catholic Church. The most important day of my life - this one and the next.

  • 2 years ago

    Back when I was Christian,

    the experience that had the biggest effect on me

    was listening to a Disney record

    about Johnny Appleseed,

    with all the voices performed by Dennis Day.

    I first heard this record (copyright 1949)

    when I was two or three years old.

    I still have the record,

    almost 70 years later.

    I no longer have any faith

    in all that Christian mumbo-jumbo

    but I still talk to the animals.



    John Popelish

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting;

    The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star,

    Hath had elsewhere its setting

    And cometh from afar;

    Not in entire forgetfulness,

    And not in utter nakedness,

    But trailing clouds of glory do we come

    From God, who is our home...

  • the one where God spiritually slapped me across the back of the head and told me to snap out if it. Funnily enough t was then I felt loved

    For who, the the Lord loves he also Chastises

  • Finding out God is real, dear.

  • 2 years ago

    Handing over 10% of my yearly salary to a dude who touches kids inappropriately I guess

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