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am i being a bad catholic? and what should i do?

i am intolerent to gluten. i don't have celiac or an allergy but i get sick even if i have the smallest amount of gluten. unfortunatly the eucharist contains gluten and during my gluten free diet i would eat the eucharist and feel sick for several days and it makes it harder to focus in school. experts say that those with this intolerance should go completly gluten free for health reasons. it also takes the body 2 weeks to completly eliminate gluten and church is every week. so i started going up to receive communion and then stuff it in my pocket when no one is looking and throw it out later. i can't just not receive communion bec my parents wont allow that. and i can't tell them bec they would not understand and they'd prob force me to take it. im just reaizing now how bad that is. any advice?

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe you should explain this story to your priest and maybe if he is decent about it he would arrange for you to take a gluten free wafer for Mass and if he does not then you have every right to not eat the wafer even if you miss the Mass. If he does not you could shop around for a priest who will work with you to solve the problem and if you cannot find such a priest then you are not a bad Catholic the priests who do not help you they are bad Catholics.

  • 1 year ago

    I advice you to talk to your parents about it, and also watch some videos by Ray Comfort, he has a YouTube channel called Living Waters, they have over 1million views and teach everything about the Gospel. The difference between the Catholic church and the Christian church is that Catholics trust themselves, they trust that doing good works will get them to Heaven. But Jesus firmly said that no one can be saved by good works, we can’t possibly save ourselves. That’s the whole reason why Jesus died for us and rose from the dead, so we would transfer our trust from ourselves to the Savior. Like a parachute. Catholics are like a man in a plane, he’s about to jump out thousands of feet in the air and his plan is to flap his arms to try and save himself. You would probably tell that man to trust the parachute instead, so he will survive. This a loving warning to all Catholics, trust Jesus to save you, not your good works or how much you attend church. In the end God the Father will judge us based on faith in His Son, not what we do or what we eat <3

    Source(s): The Bible
  • DP.
    Lv 6
    1 year ago

    I'm not surprised you're upset and having difficulties.

    The Catholic Church is so confused. Look, the problem is pretty simple and starts with ridiculous claim that Christ's words have to be interpreted literally. "He took the BREAD and said this is my body."By Catholic thought, these words are absolutely literal meaning you have to eat Christ's body that comes from bread..... note the Catholic Church added that only priests can conduct the magic that performs this miracle.The first and obvious problem is that the bread doesn't change. It doesn't become Christ's body no matter how much imagination or magic is applied. It stays the same bread it was before. Now that should cause Catholics a problem, but most don't bother to question it. Officially the Catholic Church came up with a solution to the problem, that's not only not biblical but darn right ridiculous. Effectively they argue that the bread doesn't actually change to become the body but does so sort of spiritually..... Yip, I can't make it up! SPIRITUALLY! The fact Christ doesn't have a spiritual body seems to escape the thinking process, just as much as the initial argument was that Christ's words were LITERAL... ie. EAT HIS BODY! If that wasn't bad enough, many Catholic Churches use various juices to turn into Christ's blood and various wafers to turn into His body.... but if Christ's words are literal then it needs to be BREAD and WINE..... not bread and wine substitutes because there is no substitute for Christ.The OBVIOUS solution here is to accept the patently obvious fact that Christ was talking SYMBOLICALLY and that being the case you can use just about anything to represent His body and His blood!  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Talk to the priest. He probably doesn’t pray for people to get sick

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  • Mark
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    You're being a bad PERSON, asking this over and over again.


  • 1 year ago

    Communion is literally that - communion with God. If you can't take the Eucharist, you stand a greater chance of going to hell. Ask the priest to bless a smaller wafer, but if you quit altogether, you are going to hell. If it causes some discomfort, that is your cross to bear.

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