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is the astra zeneca vaccine safe? because there are still people making claims about it?

i had my first vaccination of the astra zeneca vaccine over a week ago now, i'm a male in my 40s, i also manage type 2 diabetes....the last i heard is that the vaccine has been declared safe....but i saw someone on yahoo earlier who claimed the astra zeneca vaccine has been said to cause brain clots?

how true is that? anyone with any reassurance?

Updated 15 hours ago:

Anonymous- up yours coward!!

2 Answers

  • Andy C
    Lv 7
    8 hours ago

    Seriously??  You are going to listen to yahoos on Yahoo?

    Online someone somewhere will ALWAYS shout out against something even though they are categorically,  probably wrong.

  • Anonymous
    16 hours ago

    There is a link between AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine and very rare blood clots in the brain but the possible causes are still unknown, a senior official for the European Medicines Agency. Now you have to make an adult decision. Die from covid, or die from a very rare occurence of blood clots in the brain.  Maybe you should stay sequestered in your flat and avoid all risks.

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