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Is the corona virus a pestilence prophesied about in the Bible book of Matthew?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    No more than any of the other hundreds of virus outbreaks in the past 2000 years.

  • 1 year ago


  • 1 year ago

    No.  Calm down and get a grip.

    Source(s): Greek Orthodox Christian
  • 1 year ago

    There is no mention of any virus, by any name, anywhere in the entire Bible. Jesus did foretell many false Christs and false prophets coming, getting people to follow them with promises of showing them the returned Jesus; there would be wars and reports of wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes all over the place - but all of that would just be "a beginning of sorrows" - not the end-time. You need to go to the more explicit prophecies in Revelation for a series of many plagues that God would pour out on the Earth just prior to Jesus' return.

    When God starts them, they come in succession, one after the other, resulting in people refusing to repent, and cursing God all the more. When they come, they  separate those who love God from those who hate Him, and they come very shortly before Jesus' sudden return to usher in the Day of Resurrection and Judgment. Recently we've had plagues of fire, flood, locusts and now virus. Are we seeing the start to something? Time will tell. Meanwhile, let's get pointing people to Jesus and the good news about Him, for once He appears, the Day of Salvation will end.

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  • 1 year ago

    The bible can't prophesy anything 

    and neither can anyone from the history that it portrays.

    Assigning agency to what a bookwritten character

    might have said 1,700 years ago, is very desperate indeed.

    The bible does nothing more than

    give its readers every ability to misunderstand it,

    it has no mystical, physical, or actual means of saving 

    anyone, and remains thoroughly incapable of prophesying 

    anything, or taking the place of a Magic 8-Ball.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Is that the book that says countless corpses came back to life and walked the streets of Jerusalem that went completely unreported by the rest of the world, and even the rest of the Bible?

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    No, but according to the president, nobody could have seen it coming, so there's that.

  • 1 year ago

    Oh yes, its one of them.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    No.  When the last person alive in 1914 has died, will you admit that your cult was wrong?

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago


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