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When will the coronavirus end ?

So, we planned a family reunion around 6 months back and not sure if it will go ahead because of the coronavirus. Most of us are under 70 years old with 1 or no medical conditions 

3 Answers

  • Clive
    Lv 7
    1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nobody knows.  Probably in about 3 months, but that's only educated guesswork.

  • 1 year ago

    Fauci MD of the NIH said just now on TV that he expected the COVID19 spread to reduce but not be gone by July. [See source.]

    Also, the CDC guidelines are now that 65 yo and older should stay inside and anyone at any age with significant preexisting conditions should stay inside.

    Fauci is especially keen that Americans understand that if one person in a family living together gets infected, the entire family should stay inside as any one of them could be a carrier and not know it.

    Source(s): Fox News conference with Trump and CDC/NIH officials today at noon Pacific Time.
  • 1 year ago

    Probably wisest to postpone it.

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