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Cedric asked in PetsDogs · 1 year ago

Why is my dog wearing the bed?

So my pup is almost 2 years old, he's not fixed yet because I'm planning on breeding him, but he keeps peeing the bed, I dont know why, I take him out before we go to bed and he goes potty everytime so it's not like he has a full tank when he's sleeping, why is he doing this and how do I keep him from doing this? It happens almost every other night and its driving me crazy.

13 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    You should probably get him fixed. 

  • 1 year ago

    Your dog could be suffering with a kidney or bladder infection, bladder stones or possibly is diabetic. Drinking lots of water, never seems to get enough, large bloated belly, weight loss, weak or lethargic are some signs to look for. I would see if you can get an exam with a vet, it might be hard to find one that is open. Also a damaged nerve in the lower back could cause this. 2 years old is an adult dog, not a puppy, this is not normal at all. Good Luck!

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Either he has a UTI or he's marking the bed.  He won't stop till he's been neutered - sooner the better.  No excuse to  breed him.


  • 1 year ago

    Then stop allowing it on your bed cheeshead a uti is probably the reason though Your vet can tell you

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  • 1 year ago

    Your dog is not wearing a bed. Not neutered cause you plan on being a stupid, ignorant, lying, scamming, screwing BYBer.

    Your dog could have an uti & needs to be on antibiotics. Do not neglect your dog. At least call the Vet to see if they are open or closed for this virus stuff. I hope it is something as simple as an infection. Call your Vet.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Your dog is marking, Cedric. He's doing what adult male dogs do, if they aren't neutered. And you need to GET HIM neutered ASAP. You shouldn't breed him, unless he's a purebred and you're a certified breeder who does this for a living. From the way you've worded your question, that's obviously not the case. Get your dog FIXED, and do it soon, and I guarantee you that he'll quit marking.

    And another thing- your dog needs to sleep in a CRATE, NOT ON YOUR BED. If you'd trained him properly to start with, by using a crate every night, you wouldn't have this issue. Dogs have a den instinct which generally will prevent them from soiling their sleeping space, as long as it's in something like a crate or a closed, small room. That's why dog runs are useful for housebreaking. You can take advantage of this and use it to teach your dog to relieve himself outside.

  • 1 year ago

    So don't let him anywhere near the bedroom or bed!!   And if he can't hold have your vet test a sample of his urine in case he has a UTI.   You cannot correct behaviour like this if he can't help what he's doing.

    Re intending to let him be a stud dog, you've not seen anything yet!  Is he part of YOUR breeding programme or are you just hoping to make income from letting him be used at stud?    I'm not urging you to castrate him, but only top quality animals should be bred from and once you start this, he'll be looking for the next b itch, who unless he is top quality with at least a CH. title, won't be there.  And meanwhile, you'll have opened Pandora's Box.

    Shut the doors to the rooms you don't want him in.   Collect some of his urine for testing, and forget this breeding idea unless he is an outstanding animal and part of your ongoing breeding plans.

  • 1 year ago

    He may have a urinary infection.

  • 1 year ago

    He's marking the bed and if you don't know this then god help you when you've bred him, as they change for the worse once they've been used.

    You do not know enough about dogs to be breeding this dog and you should get him done.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    it is because he has not been castrated. it is a natural thing for dogs who still have their bits left on

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