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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 months ago

Do you believe America is less free than it was 20 years ago?

Between 9-11 & Covid 19, I think Americans are being ruled by fear more so than I can recall in my lifetime.  I'm 54, by the way.

3 Answers

  • Robert
    Lv 7
    6 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    This country SUCKS compared to 20 years ago.   The freedom has been gone for years.  It started in little ways when the PETA idiots started throwing paint on fur wearers.  BLM blocking traffic inflicts itself on innocents trying to get to work.  And because they are seen as PC, they are allowed to break the law and inflict them selves on innocents.  There are a million ways we can illustrate the breakdown of law and order.  We can also show that we are spied on everywhere.  You can not walk down any city street without leaving a video trail be a network of cameras.  EVERY phone text and call is monitored by the government.  They don't  have a guy listening, but computers seek out patterns and flag calls for certain phrases which repeat.  Compared with 20 years ago, there is no freedom in the once great nation.  Sadly, the young and dumb accept it as a normal way of life and live like lemmings following each other over the cliff.  They have embraced the technology which is and will continue to manipulate and enslave them.

  • Matt
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    it is far less free thanks to government which is the biggest cancer on a free society

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Of course it's less free. We now have to cover our faces like criminals.

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