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Lv 7
Oleg asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 5 months ago

Yahoo answers - what to do with a clone troll?

There is a clone troll who has copied my profile, posting nonsense, pretending to be Oleg, but is really level 2. It seems he is the same person who asked a question about pedophilia recently and blocked me from answering. Here is the link to his profile:

My actual profile is level 7.

I ask you to block and report his level 2 profile.

Here's the R&S question he posted on:

What yahoo staff email to use to report him?


Also report his harassing questions as these, blaming me for what he himself posts anonymously or by the use of the clone account:


2 Answers

  • .
    Lv 7
    5 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Report every post that 'clone' makes, as a TOS violation for "impersonation". Enough reports and the YA account will be suspended, if not the entire Yahoo account deactivated. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    Sounds like you have a little gay stalker as well.  When mine does this I report him and write into Yahoo about his constant insane stalking.  Just wait, he will most likely post an insane and simple minded rant soon.  He can't handle me having an opinion of being so much more intelligent than he is.  Lately he has been using multiple accounts to agree with himself and report my posts.  He is very obvious and oblivious.

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