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What are your thoughts about Jim Jones' actual beliefs?

According to lots of information Jim Jones was actually an atheist using a church to draw people towards marxism:

"In addition to being a progressive, Jim Jones was an atheist. Jones said about his atheism, "I was an atheist even then, and at that funeral parlor they held me up to look at her, and when I got down, I was bitter." Jones was frustrated with opposition to Communism within the United States and which lead him to ask himself, "How can I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was, infiltrate the church."

"5. Jones used the pulpit to preach a doctrine that he called “Apostolic Socialism” (which he sometimes referred to as God Socialism or Divine Socialism).


In one sermon Jones told his parishioners, “If you’re born in a socialist community, then you’re not born in sin. If you’re born in this church, this socialist revolution, you’re not born in sin. If you’re born in capitalist America, racist America, fascist America, then you’re born in sin. But if you’re born in socialism, you’re not born in sin.”"


6. By the early 1970s, Jones abandoned all pretense of being a Christian minister. Jones also began preaching that he was the reincarnation of Buddha, Gandhi, Vladimir Lenin, and Jesus. He would preach sermons lasting six hours or more, in which he showed a preoccupation with sex...


In a 1976 phone conversation with John Maher, Jones alternately said he was an agnostic and an atheist. Marceline Jones admitted in a 1977 New York Times interview that Jones was trying to promote Marxism in the U.S. by mobilizing people through religion, citing Mao as his inspiration: "Jim used religion to try to get some people out of the opiate of religion." He had slammed the Bible on the table yelling "I've got to destroy this paper idol!"

Update 2:

As early as his years in Indianapolis Jones began to make claims about his own divinity, which eventually led him to declare himself "God, almighty God," in San Francisco. Once in Guyana, however, he dropped the religious language that had attracted thousands: Christian communalism gave way to political communism, as the group contemplated migration to North Korea, Cuba, or the Soviet Union

Update 3:

@Anonymous, i get what you are saying.

However this shows that even atheists can make up religions, using them for personal glorification, even while lying and pretending to be Christian for a while.

For Christians it is another warning, to not be fooled by false Christs and prophets, who lead people to destruction:

Update 4:

@Juli: i am just responding to the claims of an anonymous troll who blocked me and asked if Jim Jones was preaching a form of Christianity.

As i was blocked - i am responding this way, for a more comple picture, to show that he was in fact atheist and used religion to promote socialism and marxism.

There's not enough space to put all information about him, but anybody with honest desire to investigate can read all the available information on him on the internet and make their own opinion.

Update 5:

@God of Thunder, instead of dismissing information, just because you don't like one source, you should have read all and others on the net, which also confirm that he was pro-Marxist atheist, who ended up promoting himself as a god.

6 Answers

  • 5 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jones claimed to be the Christ, the Messiah. He turned himself into a megalomaniac who convinced people that he was a reincarnation of Jesus (as well as of Lenin), and offered them salvation and Utopia. That's why there IS a link between his cult appearing to be quasi-Christian whilst being politically un-Christian and promoting violence and guns. Have modern religious Americans learned anything from that tragic episode? Apparently not.

    When investigative journalism began to expose him as a fraud, he swiftly moved to Guyana in 1977, some 1,000+ followers going with him. But the promised Utopia turned out to be a concentration camp designed for the greater glory, enrichment and sexual gratification of its dictator. The followers were regaled daily with loudspeaker denouncements of capitalism as they laboured in the nearly 4,000 acre site. Those who caused trouble were put into "the box" - a 15 foot deep mud pit where they could be left for days on end. A defector, Deborah Layton, wrote about the horrors in her book "Seductive Poison". She described a 66 year old disciple named Charlie being ritually humiliated for daring to fall asleep during one of Jones's interminable lectures. Jones ordered the man's own son to drape a huge boa constrictor around his father's neck and leave it hanging there. Jones used mind games and got family and friends to report on others.

    To heighten the climate of fear, Jones regularly dragged exhausted minions from their beds in the early hours to act out his "White Nights". Alarms would blare, summoning them to battle stations bearing knives, sticks and rifles, on the pretext that Jonestown was under attack from some outside invaders. They had a CIA persecution complex. Rampant paranoia was Jones's trademark. When discussing matters with his inner circle, code-words were used; guns were Bibles; the US was Rex, and Cuba was Netty.

    To accomplish the mass suicides, Jones had a series of practice runs designed to test their loyalty and courage. Deborah Layton fled in May 1978 and warned the US authorities, but no action was taken. Only one congressman took action; Leo Ryan. He and journalists arrived at the commune on November 17 and they were welcomed. Ryan was allowed to tell everyone that they were free to leave with him, if they wanted to. The next evening, when 16 disciples opted for this, Jones's rampant ego took over and the Apocalypse began.

    Ryan, three journalists and one disciple were killed in bullet fire as they tried to board a plane. Then, back at Jonestown, the suicide order went out. Many took the fruit juice laced with cyanide willingly. Hundreds more refused his order, so the guards forced them to at gunpoint. Some old people were apparently injected as they sat helplessly in their wheelchairs. 276 children had parental hands pressed over their mouths, forcing them to swallow. Jones shot himself. Just as Satan entered into Judas, leading to Judas betraying Christ then hanging himself, so Satan entered into Jones, who betrayed 1,000 people then shot himself.             

  • 5 months ago

    I love it when people throw around terms like 'atheist', 'marxist', etc. - when they couldn't accurately define those terms if they had a gun to their head...

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    EDIT: I've studied Jim Jones and the People's Temple in great depth. You can't blame atheists when a religious leader does bad things. That's dishonest. He was no different than the Christian leader, David Koresh, the jehovah's witnesses cult leaders, the Mormon cult leaders, etc.... They all claim Christianity, whether you want to believe it or not. All religious leaders are corrupt , even those who really believe they're Christian.

    Sorry, you can't blame atheism for rogue preacher men.

    The largest belief system in his cult was Christianity.

    As with all religious leaders, he attached his own spin to control his followers.

    You cherry picked information to prove your point, but failed miserably.

    Let's at least try to be honest here.

    It's always the bad atheists' fault, right?

    Religion = Organized Crime.

    Let's deal with facts, shall we?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    Conservapedia?  They simply make things up to suit their agenda.  There's no evidence that he was an atheist, though he did have communist sympathies.

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  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Jim Jones ended up thinking he was a god. That he was the one who controlled everything about the lives of the people who followed him. That's a religion. Jones was savior and devil to those in his thrall. That's a religion. No matter how hard you and others try, Jim Jones made himself out to be a god, demanded absolute obedience and tested that obedience very tragically with the Jonestown Massacre of 1978. 

  • Liz
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    Well, the way I see it he's dead and what he believed is a moot point.

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