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I have started snoring when I am first falling asleep and it wakes me up?

It started all of a sudden about two months ago. Pretty much every night or early morning when I began to drift off to sleep I will snore and can hear it and feel the vibration in my throat and it wakes me up. This can happen multiple times. I do usually eventually get to sleep but it has made it more difficult. I have been a snorer in the past but this is the first time I have had this particular issue. I am not sure what brought it on other than I did gain back pretty much all the weight I lost during the pandemic and I am thinking that may be the culprit. I am currently trying to lose weight again. I am thinking I am probably going to contact my doc to have a sleep study done but wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this or heard of this and if you have any ideas as to what to do about it in the meantime. Thanks!


I should also mention I already sleep on my side. 

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    You may have sleep apnea, or severe seasonal allergies.  I have the latter one and I have to take an asthma pill before bedtime. I also raise my pillow.  Anyways, its time for you to see your ENT doctor. 

  • 4 months ago

    I agree with Miss Sakura. You should also monitor some other factors, such as air quality, pollen spread, and other allergens in the environment around you. You can use several apps for that, Such as IQ air, Climacell, Openweather, so on and so forth.

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