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Why can’t people with autism join the military?

Not everyone with autism are the same so I don’t know why they can’t join the military.

5 Answers

  • 2 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Not everyone with autism are the same."

    That is the point. The military does not know how each individual autistic person would react in different situations/environments, so it just prohibits people with autism to join the military altogether. A lot less headache for the military that way.


  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Every answer I have seen so far (except for Mrsjvb) is making me shake my head.  You guys are worst than the person who asked this.  Go to hell.  You deserve worst than the person who asked this.

    To the person who asked this.  You are right than every autistic person is different.  As far as why aren't they allowed to serve, well I can say this.  Being in a battlefield is serious and dangerous business.  There are numerous medical disqualifiers from the military, even though most of them are minor and sometimes hypocritical.

    As far as autism, some people with autism (not all) might

    • have trouble following multiple orders being said fast and rapidly (as opposed to one order at a time being said slowly)

    • lack judgement (well idk actually)

    • have different mindsets and thoughts than those without autism (well except everyone has different mindsets.  and their thoughts don't make it hard to use a weapon or fight the enemy)

    can't think of anything else.  and like i said, some of the disqualifers are hypocritical.  like i heard that they authorize waivers for things WORST than autism.  and lots of them are minor.  

    Source(s): my former step dad was a marine recruiter and he was a pscyology major too (he knows alot about autism)
  • Mrsjvb
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Because the military is a private entity when it comes to hiring and as such can set their requirements to anything they want.  They are NOT subject to ADA or any protected classes in the workforce,

    They learned.. the hard way.. that anyone on the Spectrum is incapable of meeting the necessary standards to serve.  So they decided to quit wasting money on trying to train them.  Same can be said for people without a High School Diploma or with only a GED.

    Serving is not a right, it is a privilege.  One that hundreds of thousands of people( including myself) are denied.  Regardless of how badly they want to serve,  

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    They won't let you join if they don't think you are physically or mentally fit enough.

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  • 2 months ago

    You asked this yesterday, you're clearly an aspie. 

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