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Do you think that the corona virus is now a part of human diseases like viral fever?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Time will comeit wil be. Watch this video

    learn about Covid vaccine side effects

  • 2 months ago

    Yes, I think it will be around for the foreseeable future.  It will likely become less contagious, more like an ordinary flu or cold, and it is likely to cause less severe illness too, for the most part. 

  • Audrey
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Yes, because it keeps mutating. It will take decades before it's even controlled.

  • 2 months ago

    yes!!.. COVID-19 is already considered a disease that affect humans!!.. when an infection cross species from animals to humans, and when the infection find success spreading the illness from one human to another human, it is already considered a human disease and not a xenotic disease..

    let's talk about Hook-Worms.. there are several species of worms in that family of Hookworms that infect humans, animals or both.. the two most common types of hookworm that infect humans are Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus.. and those 2 cause the disease in humans of which those hookworms would thrive, produce eggs and complete their life-cycles by infecting other humans -- therefore those 2 species of hookworms cause the disease in humans..

    but there are other species of hookworms that infect animals, such as Ancylostoma braziliense and Ancylostoma tubaeforme that infects domestic cats.. or Ancylostoma caninum that infect dogs.. and those are different species from the human variety of hookworms.. HOWEVER.. those animal hookworms can infect humans.. BUT.. those animal hookworms would NOT be able to thrive in humans.. they are unable to produce eggs and transmit the illness to other humans.. they do cause some illness in humans (causing an illness called Cutaneous Larva Migrans) but they are stuck in their cycle unable to produce eggs to infect other humans or other animals..when an infection is allowed to complete its cycle in one human to spread and infect other humans.. it would be considered a human illness or disease.. as simple as that.. `



    this is the answer to your question, but i also detect some confusion in your question about certain terms that we need to further explain.. first of all, COVID-19 is the name of the disease or illness - PLEASE LEARN to use the term COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 when we are talking about the current pandemic..a lot of time was wasted and many people have died because government agencies could not agree on the name of the disease.. and the pandemic took that chance to spread while we were quibbling over the name of the illness/virus.. Novel Coronavirus 2019? Wuhan Coronavirus? nCoV-19? Bat coronavirus? the "China Virus"?  

    NO NO NO NO NO NO, it is called COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2.. when you go to Africa, it is called COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2.. and when you go to Australia, it is still called COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2.. it is universally known as COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2..also.. you should know that the Coronavirus family is a large wide family of viruses.. so when you ask about a coronavirus, people who know few things about biology, would ask you "which one?".. `


    are you asking about the current Coronavirus that is causing the pandemic? are you asking about the SARS coronavirus (the original SARS-CoV) that used to terrorize Asia from 2003 all the way to 2015? are asking about the MERS coronavirus that used to terrorize the Middle East in 2013-2014? or are you asking about a group of coronaviruses that cause the Common Cold, and this group is called the Human Coronaviruses group/family?

    first you should know that this pandemic is caused by a virus called SARS-CoV-2 which is similar to the original SARS-CoV that causes SARS.. when SARS-CoV-2 infect humans, it produces an illness or a disease called COVID-19 (similar to HIV causing AIDS in humans, or SARS-CoV causing SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in humans, or MERS-CoV causing the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome MERS, or when a member of the Human coronaviruses family causing the Common Cold in humans).. 

    i suspect that you somehow stumbled into a discussion whether the COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) could join the Human Coronaviruses group/family.. but this is NOT what you would expect is all about..


    every year, especially when the weather becomes colder.. people often get the Cold or the Flu.. the 2 terms are different in many ways.. the Common Cold is milder causing running nose mostly and sometimes mild fever and mild cough.. the Seasonal or the Common Flu (we prefer the term, Seasonal Flu) is much worse with less running nose but higher fever and more sickness: headaches, severe cough, sore throat, pneumonia (chest infection), ARDS and even death..

    the Common Cold is caused by over 200 different viruses and only 14% of those viruses are coronaviruses that are collectively named the Human Coronaviruses family/group.. while the Seasonal Flu is 100% caused by a group of influenzae (flu) viruses which are vastly different from coronaviruses (completely unrelated).. so when people talk about the Cold, they are talking about a very mild illness caused by a large collection of viruses and only some of them are coronaviruses that are grouped under the Human Coronaviruses family.. `



    since last year, scientists are noticing a trend of which the COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is becoming tamer than the original COVID-19 coronavirus that had escaped China a year earlier.. they've noticed that the new strains (the UK strain, the Brazilian strain and the SouthAfrica strain) are more infectious but people have a higher success of not dying.. again, this is a difficult concept to explain; imagine that you are a drug dealer and you have a new narcotic drug called Valkyr (yes from Max Payne movie), you would want your drug to be very addictive that more and more people to buy it.. but if Valkyr is very deadly, you are simply losing your clients too fast.. so the next logical step is to make Valkyr less deadly but more addictive and more accessible.. people still get killed - in fact, more people would get killed as more and more people buy the product.. and this is why the new COVID-19 strains are more deadly because they spread faster to more humans, even though a person is more likely to survive the illness.. `



    MERS coronavirus used to terrorize the Middle East in 2013 and 2014.. MERS is far more deadly than COVID-19.. MERS' kill rate is 38% while COVID-19's kill rate is about 9 or 10%.. and because MERS coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is more deadly than the COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), MERS is almost gone from existence with hardly any case reported after 2015.. so if you were kidnapped by an evil scientist and he gives you the choice between COVID-19 or MERS, you should definitely choose COVID-19 over MERS, because you are more likely to survive the COVID-19 coronavirus than the MERS coronavirus..`



    from evolutionary point of view, a virus is successful when it spreads to a large number of people, but if the virus kills its victims too fast (like in MERS, in Ebola or in Rabies), the virus becomes less successful.. so COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) had decided to become less deadly to allow more humans to spread the coronavirus much longer before killing its victims.. yes, this Coronavirus is playing it smart.. `



    i talked about the SARS coronavirus (the original SARS-CoV).. the SARS coronavirus did NOT simply disappear from existence (like MERS coronavirus).. people are still getting SARS in 2019 and 2020 - especially in Asia, and people are being tested positive for SARS in Asia.. again, SARS used to terrorize much of Asia in 2003 and parts of India in 2015 with hundreds of fatalities.. but in 2019 and 2020, the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) simply lost much of its teeth.. it is no longer deadly like it used to be.. nowadays, it causes mild Flu-like symptoms, and sometimes mild Common Cold symptoms.. `



    this led to a large number of people to believe that the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) would eventually join the Human coronaviruses family/group in causing the Common Cold in few more decades.. instead of causing the deadly Flu-like symptoms, it would cause the much much milder Cold symptoms.. THAT'S THE THEORY..

    at the moment, COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is still causing severe Flu-like symptoms.. but it is generally believed that it will start to lose its teeth in few years, just like SARS coronavirus (the original SARS-Cov).. who knows?!.. maybe COVID-19 would join the Human Coronaviruses family/group in 2050 in causing annual Common Cold when the weather gets colder.. or the SARS-CoV-2  would mutate into something totally different, to SARS-CoV-3 that turns people to zombies COVID-50..

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  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    This virus shows a unique ability to mutate into different strains.  Eventually one of these new strains will be extremely deadly and the human population will be wiped out.  This is likely to happen in 2021. In other words, you will be a corpse before Christmas.

  • 2 months ago

    Covid 19 is following the same general course that Spanish flu did about 100 years ago. The difference is the amount of money thrown at the problem. I do not know what actually became of that flu, but the pandemic ended in the same time frame Covid seems to be following. 

    For all of our science and medical knowledge there are some things that still have to run the course. 

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