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What will Trump's tax returns reveal to us, that he's not a billionaire, that his write offs are bogus, or what else?


And no, Jud, I'm not a leftist at all, I love to call out phonies when I see them though, and Trump is the biggest phony out there.

8 Answers

  • 1 month ago
    Favorite Answer

    We can speculate, but the FACT that Melanija renegotiated her prenup during the Stormy thing tells me that a good chunk of whatever he has left will go towards building a giant Knavss estate on the Adriatic.

  • 1 month ago

    That his "creative financing" and property "assessments" are illegal.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    ... and that he is a fraud and a crook.

    Actually, that would not be a reveal, more like a confirmation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Possible bank fraud and tax fraud. Possible unreported income from foreign sources. There's a lot of potential felonies. 

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  • 1 month ago

    As the president compensation a re-appointment crusade that surveys say he is at risk for losing, his accounts are under pressure, assailed by misfortunes and countless dollars owing debtors coming due that he has actually ensured. Additionally looming over him is a long term review fight with the Internal Revenue Service over the authenticity of a $72.9 million duty discount that he guaranteed, and got, in the wake of proclaiming colossal misfortunes. An antagonistic decision could set him back more than $100 million.

  • 1 month ago

    The thought is that he was committing fraud, overvaluing his properties for insurance purposes (to claim more when there was damage) but devaluing them for tax purposes (so he could pay lower fees). That's a big no-no. We shall see. Personally, I don't doubt it's true.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Typical leftist in hate of success.. Meanwhile you all line up like lemmings to buy the latest iphone not realizing how hypocritical you are @Ed.. Trump lost more than a billion in office largely due to frivolous liberal lawsuits. Oh, he donated his earnings to charity. Never once took a check. Did Obama do that?  

  • 1 month ago

    God said he could cheat on his taxes.

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