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Does anyone know the details of Trump's hiring 200 illegal Polish immigrants in 1980 to work for him?
Kudos to Mr. Smarty Pants for tracking down the FACTS!
"Trump would later testify that he never walked into the adjoining building or noticed the Polish workers. But a foreman on the job, Zbignew Goryn, testified that Trump visited the site, marvelling to him about the Polish crew."
-The Independent
WOW! I KNEW IT WAS A MATTER OF PUBLIC RECORD but for some reason the Trump supporters don't. Wonder why?
12 Answers
- durango joeLv 72 weeks ago
Not that I am aware of but considering the fact that in 1980 Poland was communist it would have been easy for them to receive asylum in the US I would not be too worried about it.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
41 years ago?? Trump handled hiring then?? I kinda doubt that.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
The documents show that traitor Trump paid a total of $1.375 million to settle the case, known as Hardy v. Kaszycki, with $500,000 of it going to a union benefits fund and the rest to pay lawyers’ fees and expenses.
Source(s): New York times - How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
- ?Lv 72 weeks ago
Liar Trump knew all about the illegal polish Workers working for peanuts, for 14 hour shifts, sleeping in the building, unprotected by respirators in a cloud of Asbestos dust. He denied that for a long time, blaming his contractor, but he knew.
- T CLv 72 weeks ago
Trump's did not hire 200 illegal Polish immigrants in 1980 to work for him.
Those are the details
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Let me guess, another occupy democrats meme that’s already been disproven?
- Call me IshmaelLv 72 weeks ago
That looks like something that you read on "Mother Jones" or "Huffington Post"