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Which one do you think is the strongest avenger of all ?

In my opinion is hulk and probably Captain America

12 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you really think about it, Ironman is the strongest Avenger. He can basically build the entire Avengers team himself and be them. If he really wanted to, he can beat the entire Avengers team himself.

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  • 24 hours ago

    The Black Panther. He's smarter the Stark and Reed Richards and can basically take down any hero or villian with his tactical brilliance.

  • 2 weeks ago

    THOR ODINSON is the strongest avenger of all

  • Rita
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    Hulk has traditionally been seen as the strongest Avenger physically — and for good reason, though he's been subdued by both Iron Man and Thor.

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  • 2 weeks ago

    In terms of raw brawn, it's absolutely Hulk.  And you asked 'strongest'.  I wouldn't say Hulk is the best or most powerful, but he's clearly the strongest one there is...and says so.  Frequently.

    But how the hell do you have Cap on there?  In the comics, Cap is a steroid user who has 'peak' physical traits.  In other words, he's as strong as a human can possibly get without QUITE being superhuman...and fast, and so on.  So imagine if a single person captured EVERY Olympic gold medal with a world record that could never be broken (except by a superhuman).  That's Cap. And compared to the superhumans on the team, he's a lightweight.  His value is mostly leadership.  He's like Batman - except not a prick who plots the death of his friends.

    In the MCU, there is one moment where maybe you could hang onto the idea that he's more.  And that's when he somehow resists Thanos trying to grab him.  IMHO it was a nonsensical scene.  Thanos was beating the snot out of Hulk earlier in the movie.  There's no way Rogers should be able to stop him for even a split second.

    The fan theory that makes the most sense (though not ALOT of sense) is the idea that Rogers wasn't just resisting with brawn, but subconsciously influenced the infinity gems and that gave him the power to do it.  This idea is ... not good.  But it's less preposterous than the idea of Cap being strong enough to hang with a guy who cleaned Hulk's clock.

  • 2 weeks ago

    The Hulk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Source(s): Wikipedia, and Yahoo! Images Search
  • 2 weeks ago

    Actually in most lists of Strongest Avengers,  it's generally accepted that  THOR actually has the most power.....therefore making him the strongest. 

    Pretty hard to argue with a guy who can summon Lightning. 

    This was actually played for laughs in one of the movies, when Thor tried to start a spaceship, using the Code word.......and he tried  "Strongest Avenger"  .....but it didn't work. 

    (But only  because Stark programmed the code words  and his was "Point Break" ...Tony's glib name for him- ) 

    Then Bruce Banner tries to log in and uses  "Strongest Avenger"....and it works for him.......and Thor is like.....Wha..??? ......No way! 

    In fact, in the arena, when he was fighting Hulk....Thor was actually winning, and they thought HULK was gonna LOSE,  so they zapped THOR,  just as he was about to deliver the final blow.  If they let the fight play out.......THOR could have fried Hulk with Lightning bolts. 

  • User
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Clearly the (modern) Hulk is the Avenger with the greatest strength.

    He even stands up to Thor ***while Thor is using his hammer***.

    - In the Old Days, Thor could beat the Hulk *without* his hammer, and Thor wouldn't have thought of using his hammer against an unarmed opponent except in the most dire and unusual of circumstances

    But if we depart from mere strength

    and wonder: "in an avenger vs avenger tournament, one-on-one death matches, which one would be the last standing"

    then we can consider the possibility of the Vision

    - who could mess with the hearts of Hulk and Thor, but might have problems with Iron Man

    or Ant Man

    - who could just shrink his opponent into oblivion


  • Jack
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    idk...they should definitely do a paroday where they all fight to the death

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    The Hulk is definitely a contender, but the Vision could be competition for him.  

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