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If the God call Moses Elohim or god to Pharaoh.  Moses a false god? Was Jesus God or a god like Moses and the Angels?

Exodus 7:1 In Hebrew it doesn’t state like god but Elohim. Moses was godlike not The God.

psalms 82 God’s son God himself says Elohim in the plural form.

Messiah in Isaiah 9:6 is called mighty God no Hebrew article in front of the word God. So godlike

John 1:1 the emphatic position doesn’t change a noun and Jesus was a god or godlike

There is no article in front of the word god for Jesús. 

Jesus said he was God’s son a god or godlike.

2 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Moses had been brought up in the court of the pharaoh and knew all about the myriad gods and goddesses of the Egyptians! He also knew that Yahweh struck at the impotence of some of them via the ten plagues. To the pagan Egyptian polytheists, Moses seemed like a god. He was a mighty one but in no way deity! See Exodus 15:11. The new nation of Israel knew from the 1st Commandment that Yahweh is the only God they were to worship. This is confirmed by Isaiah: "This is what the Lord says, Israel's King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty: 'I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God." (Isa. 44:6) But Israel kept falling for the lie of the pagans, that a panoply of deities existed, who needed to be acknowledged, if not appeased.

    When the Bible speaks of "the god of this system" (2 Corinthians 4:4) it speaks of Satan as the demonic ruler of the spirit of disobedience corrupting our world. He deceives. When the Bible speaks of appointed rulers being like gods (Psalm 82:6 & Jn 10:34), it is a metaphor for people who are judging others, as in the place of God, or as representing God. But it is not an ascription of deity. It shows that kings and judges need to be accorded respect and to be obeyed, but there is no connotation of worship. See also Psalm 86:8 & 96:4.

    The point is that there is only one Creator of heaven and earth; He is the only true God, the one alone worthy of worship, because He created all things, and the Son of God made everything that was made - not 2 Gods - this one true God, the creator John 1:1-3.  John 10:45-38 is where Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6 to prevent Himself being stoned to death, the religious zealots were so offended at Him claiming to be one with God the Father - making Himself equal with God, you see.On all those occasions, Jesus was in the flesh, fully human. And fully God, with a capital G, not a lower-case 'god' as Psalm 82 spoke of. That Psalm was quoted by Jesus to rebuke the people who should have been giving Him at least the same honor as they would give a king or judge appointed to rule in Israel. Those so appointed were representing God, and even if the people of Jesus' day didn't think He was the Son of God, they ought to have given Him respect as one of the godlike appointed rulers in Israel. But all men die, and are not gods. Jesus died and was resurrected, which PROVED him to be the Son of God! That's in Romans 1:2-4  "The gospel of God - promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead; Jesus Christ our Lord."And Jesus fulfilled the ancient prophecy in Moses' time, that another prophet would be raised up, greater than Moses, and the people were to listen to Him. That is why, when Jesus was transfigured in glory on the mountain, both Moses and Elijah appeared alongside Him and conversed with Him. (Deuteronomy 18:18, compare Acts 7:37, Malachi 4:5, Luke 4:24, Luke 7:16). But He was not just one of many prophets - He was unique because He was much more than just a sinless man. He had come from Heaven, to become flesh, to so identify with us that He could stand in our place to bear our punishment for our sins. Only because He also had the magnitude of deity could He become "the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world" - read John 1:1-29. No mere human, nor even an angel - mere creatures - could atone for all sin! Because Jesus is not created but the One who made everything that was made, to worship Him is to worship God - the one God, not two!

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Jesus never claim to be god but God’s son making him a god. John 10:33-36 there is no article infront of the word god for Jesus. He didn’t deny being a god but pointed out all of God’s representatives are called that by God

    Also the Bible does not state God had to die for us. 1 Corinthians 15:21 through one MAN LIFE.

    The Bible clearly states Jesus was fully man not half man half God Philippians 2:7

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