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how can i find the courage to open medical envelopes?

i'm a man aged 43 who manages diabetes type 2 along with mental health problems like borderline personality disorder...severe anxiety, paranoia, mood swings, depression etc.

about 2 weeks ago now i had to go for my eye screening for my diabetes, i went and after the lady did the screening of my eyes, the lady reassured me that my eyes looked ok, she couldn't see any problems....which i felt relieved and i thanked her and left...but just the other day i received an NHS letter...which ive felt deathly afraid of opening.....then just this morning i have received another NHS envelope, that i'm worried about and too afraid to open....i'm frightened something wrong has been found with my eyes?

many weeks ago, i went to the optician who did an eye test and he told me that my eyes looked healthy....i explained id been having really bad eye aches whilst using my desktop computer for a year...and they prescribed me some new anti glare reading glasses...but using the glasses doesn't seem to be taking away the eye aches whilst using my computer monitor, its an 22 inch LCD screen.

so since ive had my eye screening done, and now just days later ive received these NHS letters/enveloped i'm starting to get panicked?....i live on my own in a flat with no support system except my elderly parents who live very i'm stuck in my flat with severe anxiety about these nhs medical letters...i know i need to open them..but i feel too afraid.

what if there's something wrong with my eyes?



Update 2:

thanks to tavy and dianne, i just needed help.

4 Answers

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bad news comes in phone calls not letters. Most probably dates of your next appointment so open them.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    The NHS has sent you several refund cheques. If you don't cash them, you lose your funds.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Bad news is not sent by mail, for heavens sake, they call you. Have someone else open it up then. Geesh 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    It's a fate thing.  You have to face it no matter what. Accept your fate because it's God's arrangement. 

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