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I went on a trip for the weekend and my mom asked for pictures? ?

First of all I’m 28, I told my mom I was going to San Francisco for the weekend with my sister. She was ok with it, she usually doesn’t let us spend the night anywhere. So the first night she texted us saying “ I hope you guys didn’t lie to me, I want a picture of you guys when you got there and of right now” I get she worries but she was ok with it in the beginning and instead of asking us if we are ok, or how we are doing she mean stuff. We ended up sending her pictures of us cuz obviously we have no reason to lie. But I don’t get it, we are not allowed to do much stuff, we are almos 30. And when you live with Mexican parents you are not allowed to move out unless you get married. Does your mom also do this when you are out? 

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Because she loves you? She doesn't want you to lie to her, she ******* cares about you.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    I know plenty of single Mexican girls who moved from their parents' houses and live on their own.  

  • 1 week ago

    You’re an adult and deserve to be treated like one. What do you mean you’re not “allowed” to move out? What’s she gonna do if you choose to move out? Live your own life. You’ll never grow up if you’re being treated like a child 

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Jesus Christ I’m 29 and this still happens to me. I don’t get it. I’m not Mexican tho. I’m white. 

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  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Your mom only controls you because you allow it. You CAN move out, you just choose not to. Why would any 28 year old put up with this? If you have a job, you can get your own place. If you don’t, you should get one. At 28, you should not be dependent on your parents. You have a right to live your own life. If my mom treated me like that, I’d be out the next day. Her request is extreme even for a teenager. Who cares if she trusts you? That’s HER problem. You are an adult, and you do not have to answer to her. The only thing she can do to you is kick you out, and I think that would be doing you a huge favor. Your mom isn’t doing you any favors by being so overprotective. When a parent has done their job, their child will be mature and responsible enough to take a vacation on their own at age 28. It would be totally fine for her to send a text saying “how was your trip? Did you get there ok?” But your mom wasn’t checking on your well being. She was accusing you of lying to her. If my mom treated me that way, I’d just tell her I’m a grown woman and I don’t answer to her. I think it’s time for you to step up and behave like an adult. If you behave like an adult (by getting your own place and paying your own bills), you can demand to be treated like one. 

  • 1 week ago

    All mothers always worry about their children.  This is just a little more extreme.   I would send her the most risque picture that I dare with a message "Wish You were here".    My mother would not want to know the things we did.   I would also move out.

  • 1 week ago

    My impression of Mexicans is that they make great parents.  Mexican kids always seem happy and relatively well-mannered, and their families are always very loving.  Family is very important to them.

    But at 28 I think your Mom could taper off.  You're certainly big enough to make your own decisions.  I wonder how your Mom would react if you told her 'I'm going away for a weekend, and it's none of your business'.  Or even if you called her and said "I'm not coming home tonight.  See you tomorrow."  If it was me I'd be pushing for more independence.

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