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  • Why is yahoo shutting down? ?

    Do people not enjoy it? I love it lol 

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 day ago
  • I went on a trip for the weekend and my mom asked for pictures? ?

    First of all I’m 28, I told my mom I was going to San Francisco for the weekend with my sister. She was ok with it, she usually doesn’t let us spend the night anywhere. So the first night she texted us saying “ I hope you guys didn’t lie to me, I want a picture of you guys when you got there and of right now” I get she worries but she was ok with it in the beginning and instead of asking us if we are ok, or how we are doing she mean stuff. We ended up sending her pictures of us cuz obviously we have no reason to lie. But I don’t get it, we are not allowed to do much stuff, we are almos 30. And when you live with Mexican parents you are not allowed to move out unless you get married. Does your mom also do this when you are out? 

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 week ago
  • Boyfriend followed this Russian girl on TikTok? ?

    I noticed she started following him and he didn’t follow her this morning, but I checked back and he follows her now. 😑 wtf! I don’t think that’s ok. I mean I get it’s just tik tok but she uploads videos of her dancing sexy and she follows a ton of men. 🤦🏼‍♀️ How should I go about this to him? 

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months ago
  • Do your boyfriends Let you know when they get home fro work? ?

    Just asking because my boyfriend usually calls me. But today he didn’t, and he’s logged into fb. Smh. Like he could at least say he got home safe right? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months ago
  • Boyfriend keeps pointing out my flaws?

    Everytime we video chat he asks me questions about my face or skin. I have bad under eye circles naturally. So he was like “ have you always had your under eye circles like that” I said yeah sometimes they show more than other days. And then he asked about a pimple I had on my cheek. He asked what it was. So I said it’s a pimple. The other day he commented about my eyebrows. I don’t have much eyebrow hair because I was born like that so I fill them in a bit.  But the times we vídeo called I was not wearing makeup.  Idk I felt a bit insecure. And I told him but he said that he didn’t ask to make me feel bad. Do your boyfriends comment about your skin or imperfections? 

    24 AnswersMakeup3 months ago
  • I have really bad under eye circles? ?

    No Matter how much I sleep I still have them. Sometimes they’re less notacible but other days they’re bad! Idk what to do anyone. Anyone else with this problem? 

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body3 months ago
  • Boyfriend got mad because we didn’t use my car to drive? ?

    He came to pick me up. Told me if we could use my car I said yes. He lives 40 mins away. He called me saying he was close. He usually parks his truck and then comes to my car. Well I texted him saying to let me know when he was here so I could go out. He calls me mad asking if I still had to take out the car, I said yes but it won’t take long. He got mad and told me to just go in his truck. And then on the way to his house he told me that he has told me already. And that I wasn’t doing anything just sitting down and that I could of taken the car out earlier. I said so? I was watching tv for 30 mins. Why are you getting mad? You shouldn’t get mad. What do you think about the way he acted? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 months ago
  • Boyfriend said he would meet me half way then changed his mind? ?

    He invited me over to his house. He lives 50 mins away from me. He used to meet me half way before and when I came back home I would follow him half way. Well yesterday he told me he would meet me half way because of the fog. It really hard to see at night. I felt relieved. But today he told me it was going to take him longer since he has to get home and shower. And then meet me half way. So he asked if I would drive all the way instead. I felt bummed but I agreed. I just feel like he doesn’t even want to put the effort in driving 10 mins to pick me up. I’m nervous driving back alone in the fog in the backroads. Does he not care if I get into an accident? Am I exaggerating? He does know I’m going alone. 

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating3 months ago
  • Boyfriend doesn’t have me on Instagram? ?

    He only has me on fb. But it’s weird that he only posted me one time on his Instagram story only. I want to ask him why but I’m sure he will tell me I’m immature or jealous. We’ve been together 5 months. I know social media is not that important but still should I be worried? How can I ask him without sounding insecure? 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • Boyfriend brought me back the kitten I gave him so he could go out with his friends? ?

    I gave him a kitten as a early Christmas present he’s been complaining about her ever since. Which makes me think he doesn’t want her. Well he brought it to me on Friday cuz he needed rest. I was ok with that. He asked me to go to his house Saturday I drove 50 mins to his house. I left early since I had to drive back on my own and it gets dark early and I take the backroads. He used to drive back with me half way before. But this time he didn’t he let me drive alone. I got home safe and told me he was going to play poker with his friends that he didn’t see in while. And was going only for two hours. I said ok that’s fine have fun. I went out to the store and he calls me and gets mad at me for being out. Well he told me he would call me when he got home. I fell asleep and when I woke up at 11:40 there was no message or calls. So I texted him saying” I guess you’re still not home I was waiting for your call again but I woke up worried about you” he sends me a picture showing me he’s still there with his friends. So I said “ oh no wonder you brought me the cat, you had this planned I’m sure you were going to spend the night there” to which he replied” now you’re the type of girl who gets jealous? I never go out with them and they make fun of me because of that, and when I do you get mad” I said “ are you serious? I only texted you because I was worried I didn’t see your call or messages but whatever keep playing stay there if you want and you don’t have to call me I’ll ttyl. 

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • I have my boyfriend a cat and I don’t think he wanted it? ?

    His cat passed away last year, so me trying to care I got him one. She’s adorable barely 8 weeks so she’s running around everywhere. He didn’t seem too excited about it. So I asked him if he was actually happy about the cat cuz I feel like I gave him another responsibility from what it seems. He said yes he likes her but how was he going to say no if It was a present. And that yes he likes cats but I guess it’s just a matter of time cuz it’s been years since he’s had a hound cat. So I told him that he can bring me the cat if he can’t take care of it. I’m over here being nice. He said it was ok that she was already with him. Idk I feel bad and sad maybe it wasn’t a good idea to get him a cat. What would you guys do take the cat back? Or just leave it as is. 

    5 AnswersCats4 months ago
  • My mom tells me hurtful words every time I go out? ?

    I went out with my boyfriend and she called me mad asking me where I was, and that I don’t care about her, that that’s why she can’t trust me. I’ve never given her any reason for her to not trust me. But when I got home she told me to get in the shower because of COVID. Which I understand, so I go in the shower. Then when I got out she told me I was nasty. Because I like older men. I’m 28 and my boyfriend is 35. I don’t think there’s a big difference. We get along so well. I love him and I’m comfortable with him. I don’t think my mom has the right to hurt me every single time like that just because. I respect her and everything but I feel that it’s not right of her to hurt me with hurtful words. Just because I’m dating a guy that she doesn’t want me with. 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • My mom has no respect for my boyfriend? ?

    During thanksgiving dinner she called him fat. I was so embarrassed. I felt bad for my boyfriend. Later on my boyfriend told me she has no respect for him. I don’t know what to say other than to apologize. She’s constantly telling me that he has no education because he wears ripped pants. And that how can someone like him come and try to present himself to try and date me. I’m over this situation. I’m frustrated but it seems like I’m a bad daughter considering her because I’m with him. I recently changed my fb picture to one where I’m with my boyfriend. And since she’s in the messenger group she saw. And told me to take it off and if I didn’t she was going to take me off the group. She’s come to that point. I’m 28 and my bf is 35. I don’t get it. 

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • My mom got me in trouble for covering myself with a blanket with my boyfriend? ?

    We were watching a movie and I was cold so I covered myself with it. My boyfriend covered his legs too. And my mom came out and she got me in trouble cuz the blanket was on his legs. I’m 28 already and my bf is 35. I feel like sometimes my mom exaggerates. I know she does due to respect but we weren’t doing anything bad. Both of our hands were outside of the blanket. We weren’t hugging each other. We were just sitting side by side. What do you guys think? 

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • Boyfriend has not posted me on his Instagram? ?

    We have 4 months dating, he only shared a picture of me as a story one time. The other day he acted like he doesn’t know how to post a picture when he’s had it more than 8 years. I have not asked him anything. I do have pictures of us so far but since I saw he doesn’t want to post any of mine for them to stay more than 24 hrs then I stopped posting of us too. I have a feeling he doesn’t want to let go of those Instagram girls. Or he has his ex in there. Idk what to think. I don’t know how to ask him why. He does comments on my pictures that I post. But it just bothers me knowing he doesn’t post me. 

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • Boyfriend told me he doesn’t understand why at my age I don’t want to have sex? ?

    I’m 28 and I’m saving myself for marriage. He knows that since the beginning. He respected that. But yesterday he was like “ come on at your age I don’t know why you don’t want to have sex, I’d understand it if you were 17 but you’re 28 already. What difference is it going to Make? I said “ maybe not to you but for me it makes a huge difference.” I told him i was bummed that he told me that. It made me sad to Think That he was judging me now. He even told me that I looked crossed eyed on my work I’d picture. It hurt me. And told me I was being really sensitive. The ****? Why would he tell me those things? 

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • Boyfriend told me he was annoyed of my nieces for being so loud? ?

    He came over for thanksgiving, and my nieces are loud normally. But they’re kids. I didn’t notice he was acting annoyed but didn’t ask him anything. I was just having a good time enjoying my family, talking to my nieces and playing with them. Well yesterday he told me he did get annoyed of something. And told me to guess, and I guessed right. He said they were loud and that I kept making them talk. It threw me off, but I said ok.... we’ll I don’t see them often and they’re my nieces they love me. And then he said I know they’re kids. But like really?  Lol and he wants kids if we ever marry. Idk how he will react... 

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • Boyfriend invited me Starbucks and asked if my family wanted some and I ended up paying? ?

    He told me to ask if they wanted Starbucks too and probably thought they would say no lol well when we got there I asked if he was getting something and he said no, but you already have a list of drinks that you have to get. So I order and when I pull up to the window I didn’t see him take out his wallet. He ended up ordering one too. So I had to pay for everything. I think he didn’t want to pay cuz my whole family ordered lol idk why he asked them in the beginning though. 

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • Boyfriend sits next to me all the time when we go eat? ?

    I like when he sits next to me but he told me that in his past dates and relationships he would always sit across from them. And with me he feels like he has to sit next to me always. I asked why one day he said cuz I want to be close to you. I said “ aww” but in reality irk why it made me second think about this. What if he does that cuz I’m actually ugly lol or he can’t look at me or doesnt want me to look at him or find out something he did? Idk my anxiety and trust issues are hitting me. Maybe I’m just over reacting? Lol 

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • Is it normal for boyfriend to like other girls pictures he has on Instagram? ?

    He doesn’t have a picture of me on his Instagram which it’s making me think bad. Should I ask why he never posts me? I do have a couple of pictures of us together on all my social media. But I’ve noticed he has liked some pictures of other girls. 😔 it makes me feel sad idk. I have trust issues already by my past relationships. I’m having bad anxiety right now just thinking dumb stuff. 

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago