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Didn't you just love the discussion by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Michael on income equality? Between the three they own 13 homes?

worth $61,000,000. I believe your Democrat hypocrisy is showing.

8 Answers

  • 5 days ago

    They are obviously true socialists.

    In the UK, the Labour Party is the party of the workers, the common people. Tony Blair, its one-time leader and former Prime Minister has amassed a few properties as well.

    He had a job negotiating Middle East peace after he stopped being Prime Minister but Jared Kuchner seems to have done a much better job. Maybe he should get the houses as well?

    Here is one of his over a dozen properties. The rest are in the link.

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  • Gary
    Lv 5
    5 days ago

    This fits PERFECTLY with your question! If they care about true equality why are THEY not donating they're income's to charities to help the poor or donate it to the social security fund that they keep RAPING and replacing with IOU'S to fund they're special projects because it pains them to see TRILLIONS of dollars SAVED to pay back social security benefits that the people paid in not getting spent on THEY'RE government spending wish list then tell the people "We don't have ANY social security money left to pay you BACK now"? 

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 days ago

    they are not so old that they remember  being shown pictures of Mussolini being strung up with piano wire. They want to fool the people into thinking only they can give to the people....

  • 5 days ago

    They're for raising taxes on people like themselves so that the working poor earn $15/hr and everyone gets affordable health care. I'm not poor, but I could afford higher taxes or prices to help give poor people and poor kids a better opportunity. Why do you oppose rich people who believe our rich nation should do more to help poor people? 

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  • TB12
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Please explain why you think that and why you feel it's somehow different that the wealthy Republicans that also talk about income equality,,, or are you implying that Republicans couldn't care less about income equality or about working class Americans,,,

    Feel free to take your time,, I've got all day.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Sounds like nothing more than greed to own that many homes when so many in the united states are homeless and empty homes could be made available to some who are low income instead of not being used.  When I was a little girl a lady got a home on a government plan if she promised to take care of it and fix it.  It makes no sense to build new homes if some are empty and unused.  

  • Sandy
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    I'm okay with it, as long as their equality is everybody elses. everybody should be worth $61M then.

  • 5 days ago

    I didn't see that. But I'm always amazed that elitists like that actually have loyal followers. How can one trust someone who doesn't even live the way they want everyone else to live?

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