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Trump is getting sued by two police?

It seems these officers were injured in Trump's Treasonous January 6th attack on our capitol and he instigated it.

How long can he hide out at Mar-A-Lago?

Updated 4 days ago:

Gentle reminder:  Remember when Trump was sued by the feds for FRAUD with the Trump University debacle?  How long did it take him to pay up?  But remember, he was running for office by then so to be convicted of FRAUD AGAIN might be a hinderance.

31 Answers

  • 4 days ago

    How did Trump incite anything with that speech when the FBI discovered certain members were planning violence MONTHS ahead of time? It cant be both premeditated by the rioters and simultaneously a spontaneous act caused by Trump's words. . . Meanwhile in Libville Democrat leaders can call on members to "fight like hell" hundreds of times and that's just peachy? 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    He's getting sued by a LOT of people. He (or his estate) might have to liquidate his assets to pay his judgements off. But those cops might have to wait in a very long line before they see any money, there's some banks and other creditors that are far ahead of them. It's going to take years to sort out Trump's mess.

  • dybydx
    Lv 4
    4 days ago

    Since last summer, Trump told his cult members that if he lost, the election was rigged.  Millions, who weirdly idolize him, believed him.  Sydney Powell, the tall female lawyer often seen with Rudy told the lie that Dominion voting machines switched Trump votes to Biden.  Million believed that too.  

    Now Dominion is suing Rudy and Powell for false statements.  Get this!  Powell, in her defense against being sued for 1.2 billion dollars, said that she didn't know anyone would believe her lie about voting machines.  Now she is trying to say that her lies about voting machines were so silly that no reasonable person should have believed her!  THERE IS NO GROUNDS FOR THE SUIT, she said!  

    Yet you, Judy and Charlie, did believe it.  Didn''t you?  Powell said that no reasonable person should have believed her lie about Dominion voting machines.  And no reasonable person should have believed Trump's Big Lie that the election was stolen.

    Judy and Chalie.  You are perfect examples of people who need to enter a de-radicalization program.  

  • 5 days ago

    This will likely be more trouble for the two police than for Trump, being that he can afford the legal fees better than they can.  It will easily be proven that anybody who heard Trump's speech on Jan. 6 could not even have made it to the Capitol by the time of the incursion, even if he had suggested such a move, which he didn't.  

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  • Nigel
    Lv 5
    5 days ago

    Trump will not get in trouble at any so called court cases, he has good cash and knows his stuff in that area of fighting, just saying the man knows some stuff.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Good luck!                                                                                    

  • kswck2
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Trump is getting sued by Everyone-and 90% of them will go nowhere-and the rest will be paid off

  • 5 days ago

    Good god!! What the hell is wrong with people?!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 days ago

    Maybe the police should be sued for not doing a good job.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 days ago

    Good luck proving that Trump caused it.

    It's kind of pathetic you get "informed" (i.e. misinformed) at PuffHo.

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