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Democrats seem to be all upset that water can't be handed out to people waiting in line to vote.  Does that ever happen?

In over 3 decades of voting I've never once had anyone offer me water while I was waiting to vote.

But in 2024, I'm going to be handing out this bottled water to people in line since Democrats are making such a stink about it!

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11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 days ago

    So, you're going to hand out water that's 14 years old. Trump Ice was discontinued in 2010. That actually sounds about right for a con, though. Are you sure you want to unload it that soon? As for making it illegal to hand out water to people in line to vote: only the lowest scum of the Earth would think that's a good idea, and I hope whatever bastard did it dies of dehydration.

  • 4 days ago

    What MOST dumbasses fail to comprehend is the REAL issue is that "gifts" (like free water) given out at a polling place can be  construed as a BRIBE FOR A VOTE.  That's why it's ALWAYS BEEN ILLEGAL.

    Personally, I've never been more than #3 in line every time I've voted.  Most of the time when I walk in there is no line.

  • 4 days ago

    OK  grand wizzard pass out your peee water ! 

  • 4 days ago

    This is only a start to restore integrity to our voting process. There is absolutely no reason to interact with anyone in line to vote. Now, let's get the Governors to deploy the National Guard to secure the vote.

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  • 4 days ago

    Here in liberal California, I have never had to stand in line to vote.  What you really need to do in Georgia is eliminate the lines to start with.  Then water would be irrelevant.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 days ago

    Then why add it to legislation that makes it a crime?

    What's the motivation to do so if it never happens?  It's suspect while also being completely idiotic not to mention the obvious implication that it was put in for people to over-react to, instead of the more important aspects.

  • 4 days ago

    Someone needs to take care of the people who lack the intelligence to go to the polls prepared.  Of course, someone with intelligence that low shouldn't be allowed to vote int he first place.

  • Gloria
    Lv 4
    4 days ago

    Your anecdotes are irrelevant. The law that makes it a crime to hand out water is fascism at its ugliest and racists like YOU don't care. And Trvmp still laughs at you not me.

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  • 4 days ago

    The fact that this is an issue shows how screwed the system is. The voting booths are clearly understaffed. 

  • I've been given water and an individual sized bag of chips before.

    Would have been no big deal if I hadn't have been, though...and it certainly wouldn't influence my vote.

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