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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleOther - Beauty & Style · 4 days ago

What is perfume ?

I always thought perfume was a scented oil that you spray. I was told the other day lotion can be perfume. What is perfume?

2 Answers

  • drip
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Lotion can have perfume in it. Lotion is not perfume.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 days ago

    Perfume is the strongest most potent form of a fragrance. It's alcohol and oil. lotions can be scented or fragranced with a few drops of perfumed oil. It's not a perfume in the classic form, but it is perfumed. A subtle difference that's also a huge difference.

    In classic forms of fragrance the strongest is perfume, Cologne is 25 to 30% perfume oils and the rest is alcohol. Next is eau de toilette, eau fraiche which has water and alcohol and at the bottom is body mist, perfumed body wash, lotions and scented powder

    So in conclusion, lotion is perfumed but not perfume.

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