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does fasting with only water help acne ?

I have tried every external treatment just about with my acne, so the issue is obviously only internal. Please don't give me any products, because I'm done wasting money. 

I started drinking more water everyday (at least 4 cups/ two 16.9 oz water bottles), and I've stopped breaking out, but if I fast with only water for a week, then will my acne go away eventually? Dark spots too?

Updated 2 days ago:

Food DOES play a part in it. A dermatologist is too expensive. I'll just figure it out myself afterall.

Updated 13 hours ago:

How can I take your word for something when you can't spell worth ****?

2 Answers

  • 14 hours ago

    You need more than water...  Ginger works wonders with your completion add it to orange or apple to really vitalise yourself it's the most powerful detoxer too.  Honey has boron and can help open your attires and veins + loads of vits and mins+ fructose + it's a fantastic natural boost for you skin health too not to mention it has anti viral properties and goodies for your tummy ... Cut out shuger and junk.. Use honey instead of shuger on your breakfast in coffee..

    White bread no good 

    You don't have to fast just eat clean.. Dark green salad, veg) =iron zink 

  • 2 days ago

    No of course not, and poor nutrition makes your skin far worse. It’s hormonal not food driven. Perhaps seeing a derm?

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