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Why are we so closed-minded, esp. in religious matters?

Though a believer myself, I address a lot of questions to atheists. I ask to hear their point of view.

It is NOT to convert them or put them down in any way.

You can learn more from your adversary, they say. 

'Preaching to the converted' is a usage in English.

It means addressing people who already agree with one's opinions. What is the point? There is not much learning there.

We may have much more to learn from an opposing point of view. Yet, why do we remain so shut mostly? Why so?

14 Answers

  • 14 hours ago

    We all tend to react badly to things outside of our circles of comfort in the Venn diagram of Truth.  For example, I doubt you have been fair to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or studied The Book of Mormon humbly and sincerlely.

  • Anonymous
    19 hours ago

    Sridhar -- The expression is "preaching to the choir."

  • 21 hours ago

    It is because, compared to existence, religion wisely offers 

    a diminutive and comprehendible set of rewards, and many 

    will stop in their tracks and seek nothing more once they find it. 

  • 21 hours ago

    I am not your adversary.

    I am just a person doing my best to be honest with myself

    about what I know and what I don't know.



    John Popelish

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  • Anonymous
    21 hours ago


    Not me.  

    Perhaps it's best to ask yourself this question and not others.  Sure does sound like it.

  • EddieJ
    Lv 7
    21 hours ago

    The Emperor of Mars advised me to ignore the claims of theists.

    Are you open-minded enough to listen the the leader of another planet?

  • As an atheist  I don't believe I am. I welcome cultural change, and like exploring other religions and I listen and learn their arguments to know for sure I'm not misunderstanding it. It's not my fault that none of them have a convincing argument though.

  • 21 hours ago

    Religious types always make baseless claims so can be dismissed as such.

    Ridiculous claims demand ridicule, and they make a few of those too.

    If religious types would prove something exists before making bizarre claims about it, we might get somewhere.

    Any TD is in denial of their responsibility to provide god evidence.

    Lv 7
    21 hours ago

    Wow, you go from one extreme to the next.

    Source(s): We don’t have to prove what’s already been proven.
  • 21 hours ago


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