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In what ways do you think you "know" God?

4 Answers

  • Jake
    Lv 4
    16 mins ago

    A person can know God better by reciting the rosary of the Virgin Mary every day with care and sincerity.

  • 43 mins ago

    It's more a case of God knowing me. I can know nothing of God without Him revealing His reality to me, and that has been going on throughout my life. Once I realized I had to accept His verdict of me, then - and only then - did I begin to learn the reality of God. He knows me better than I know myself; He knows the words I am thinking of saying before I say them. I know from that to humble myself under God's mighty hand, to praise Him daily for His great love and forgiveness of me, a sinner, and to learn continually from His written word what I need to know about my Creator. I do know that I am loved by God, and secure in His forgiveness and grace.

  • Anonymous
    1 hour ago

    Gods not real     

  • Special Agent 007, now you're going too far with your questions, then the atheists will come here, and tell you a lot of Hoaxes?

    Tell me something, have you ever had your own direct experience with the presence of God?

    If yes, tell me how you had it?

    And have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit of God!

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