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Anonymous asked in Social SciencePsychology · 19 mins ago

Victims of sexual assault, what comforted you?

Or if you know anyone. What kind of things comforted them/you in your daily lives, that led you to heal. I only ask because I wondered if there was anything else I could've done back in high school. 

There was this girl who was raped by a guy she was dating. After the event she always had friends and family around her, she became quiet most of the time only smiling here and there. I can't recall the first time a conversation was initiated between us two, but I remember since then she spoke to me more and more often. Even when I joined golf, she'd often pair up with me when practicing all holes. 

When we talked it was always about random stuff, never about her ordeal. I'd say the chats were casual and slightly humorous at times. I was surprised to converse with someone who I rarely knew. I wasn't the most social teenager back then, I was always quiet and mostly kept to myself, due to my own personal struggles with an alcoholic/abusive dad and verbally drug addicted mother. Left later to live with grandparents and graduated at a different school.

I often think she maybe confided in me because she probably recognized that I too shared in the same pain of survival. Or maybe not I don't know. It lasted for as long as it did. 

Anyways as I said, now that I'm older I can't help but feel like perhaps I could've done more than chat and listen to her. I'd ask her if I ever met her again, but we all went our seperate ways. But I sometimes wonder, as simple as it was... did it help?

Updated 16 mins ago:

1. What things comforted/helped you? (Or if you know anybody)

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