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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 day ago

Why do white people let the racists among them to run amok? ?

If there are even 1% of racists among you...why do you leave them alone?

Updated 1 day ago:

@graphicconception --- Yes...why don't they police everyone?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Are all people of any particular race now collectively guilty for every other person's actions in that race?  If so, then why do black people let the criminals among them run amok?

    See how ridiculous that is?  Only ideologically aligned people can be held collectively responsible for their groups actions, because they are all aligned with the same group ideology.  But just being born a certain race does not mean every aspect of every trait is agreed upon.  Indivduality is more disseminated that sameness is.

  • 1 day ago

    A lot of white people don't care.

  • 1 day ago

    Can you not see just how racist your question is?

    You have assumed somekind of common characteristics of a race of people based on teir colour - almost classic racism. Why should white people be expected to police white people. Why not everyone police everyone?

  • 1 day ago

    Poland 🇵🇱 doesn't have mass shootings, terrorist attacks, a rape epidemic, grooming gangs, riots, BLM, sjw, looting, burning cities or critical race (racism against White people). Why? Because Poland 🇵🇱 is 0% black, 0% jewish, 0%muslim, 0% hispanic, 0% asian. White people in Poland 🇵🇱live in peace and harmony away from non-whites. Diversity doesn't work. White nationalism clearly works.

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