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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 day ago

Christians how do you deal with the fact that you could be wrong?

I am a Christian as well but I wonder if people feel the same as I do. I have a feeling that when I ask bible related questions to other people on here or in real life etc that they could be telling me something that is wrong. Being wrong is why we have so many denominations because people think others are wrong and they are right about something. So how do you deal with the wrongness of trying to find the truth.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Of course I'm wrong now and then.  Everybody is.  So?

    As for God, I'm not wrong about him.

  • 1 day ago

    I have no problem dealing with the possibility I'm wrong. I'm pretty sure I'm not right about everything, and I'm happy to live with the belief that God knows the truth and the hope that he'll help me through the consequences of my errors, and will help me learn more as I go. 


    I greatly prefer doubt to certainty, and that preference is based on my observations of people who are certain THEY are right. Eventually, they seem to stop caring about God except as someone they think works for them, and with whose wrath they can threaten those who disagree with them. 


    Being wrong is the human condition--what Christian theologians call "original sin." Overcoming that condition, and learning to sometimes get things right, is where we most need God's help--and the reason we need to learn humility.

  • 1 day ago

    What fact?  I think you meant "possibility."  I don't let it bother me.  I've had my own experiences with God.  You should, too.  It's the logical thing to do.  Don't bother moving the goalposts. It's more evidence than atheists have to shore up their fantasy that there is no God.

  • Misty
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    They pretend its impossible to be wrong.

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  • I don't have to deal with anything like that because I'm not wrong.

  • User
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    1) Christians how do you deal with the fact that you could be wrong?

    The same way that everyone does

    concerning everything that they believe to be true.

    Take anything.

    Let's say: your parents.

    You believe that they are your biological parents...right?

    But almost certainly that has NOT been proved to you in a logically conclusive way.

    It COULD be proved (or disproved) with a comparative DNA analysis.

    Nevertheless, almost certainly it has NOT been proved to you.

    Does this bother you?

    After all - logically speaking - it's certainly possible that one or both of the people you believe to be your biological parents is NOT your biological parent.

    You could have been lied to all your life.

    You could have placed your trust in people that were not what they seem.


    Normally we are content with excusing such possibilities.

    - Yeah, that COULD be true, but I find it very hard to believe. What I believe to be true seems a LOT more likely to be true than the alternative.

    And that's exactly how I feel about Christianity.

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