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Ladies again, does anyone like to wear high heels?

7 Answers

  • 24 mins ago

    I don’t. They hurt after a while 

  • Anonymous
    5 hours ago

    FETISH TROLL reported

  • Anonymous
    12 hours ago

    I don't, because I was born with chronic ankle injury so I can't simply wear them, whether I like them or not, yes I do like the look of heels, but I wouldn't sacrifice my health for a pair of shoes...

    Last time I wore a chunky 3" boots, I ended up taking painkillers for a month. NOT WORTH IT, no matter how "sexy" people think they are and I'm not into the whole "Pain for beauty" mantra especially it can eventually put you in a wheelchair because you can't wear them.

  • 13 hours ago

    One of you remind me of a character on the show "Shameless."

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  • Anonymous
    13 hours ago

    It's not about liking to wear them.  It's about them making a woman hotter looking.

  • 14 hours ago

    Well I'm not a very dressy person so I don't even own a pair. I do not like how they feel in any way but they do look nice on. So if I felt so inclined, I could enjoy wearing them purely for looks, not for comfort. Just like makeup or certain clothing. It's not comfortable but I like to look my best sometimes.

  • Grace
    Lv 5
    15 hours ago

    Sometimes. I like to wear them particularly when I am naked and wearing my strap-on and having anal sex with men.

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