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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 day ago

I feel like no one understands me about my ex bf, has anyone experienced anything similar? 10 points ?

Hi everyone. I hope your all okay :) and doing well. I split up with my boyfriend- he did first to be precise and I tried to work things out. Although I love him with all my heart, I just can’t cope with his sexual habits anymore. We don’t live near each other either so it’s hard. He mostly talks about other women and makes me jealous , he masturbates over other women and porn. I’m very religious and spiritual person I don’t condemn that from a man who I want to marry and be with for the rest of my life . He even once mentioned my bra size being small , and my butt being not that big. He mentioned after we slept together he stopped watching it but admitted he loves maturbating over other girls and he’s telling the truth and if my heart can’t take it then go. My heart is broken, I wanted to marry this man he was my everything, I think of him sexually , emotionally I was invested in him and I’ve made to feel not good enough. I already had slightly low self esteem because a guy before that that I liked watched porn and mentioned I’m too skinny etc. I feel worthless as a woman. I think he’s online cheated on me . That’s my definition anyway of cheating , I honestly love him with all my heart and I feel destroyed so much , I showed him my body , let him into my heart and my soul etc. I’m very deep person emotional sensitive person and I feel so wronged so much , he once sent me a porn video of a girl and said he would think of her while we slept together , I feel traumatised 

8 Answers

  • 17 hours ago

    Dia I think there is a misunderstanding of whether I like you enough. I do like you. Can't we be together even if it is long distance or close together? t j n

  • Trish
    Lv 5
    22 hours ago

    Move on.  He obviously didn't love you so there's nothing to get sad about unless you actually wanted a one-sided love relationship.  You should be happy you didn't get pregnant because I am religious person too but made the mistake of giving in to the pleasures of the flesh instead of waiting for marriage.  God forgives fortunately so you can get the blessings you truly deserve.  Thank your lucky stars you weren't in it long enough for him to become physically abusive because it was definitely coming if what you say is true.  Good Luck and God Bless.

  • 1 day ago

    You know, I was going to tell you to cut him some slack and that maybe he's going through this because you don't spend much time together.

    And then I got to the last sentence about him sending you a video of some other girl and that he thinks about her when you sleep together.


    I think you did the right thing in breaking up.  Go and find some guy that will you love for who you are.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    You ask if anyone has experienced the same, but what on earth is the point of that?  You're hardly the only person to get with a complete jerk and then stay with a complete jerk.  But you won't get anything helpful from people whose self esteem is as low as yours.  

    You need counseling to fix this.   I can promise you that you do not "love" him, because none of this is love.  He treats you like a piece of meat, ffs!  Somewhere out there is a guy who can show you what true love is, but your odds of finding this person are very low until you become the best version of yourself.  You aren't anywhere near this point, which is not your fault.  It's based on the parenting and home life you got.  But you're the person responsible for fixing it.  A good therapist will help you untangle all the msgs you picked up somehow that you're inferior or you deserve this kind of guy.  You don't, but you have to discover this yourself.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    What exactly do you love about this jerk? That he insulted you? That he went out of his way to make you feel bad? I think you're in love with being in love, and with the idea that it makes you a better person to stay in love with someone no matter what they do. What you need to do first is get mad- mad at him for mistreating you, and mad at yourself for wasting time on him. Go find someone who appreciates you.

    BTW, yes, it's true that most men masturbate. But they don't tell their girlfriends/wives about it in a way designed to make them feel bad. 

  • Janet
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    1.  Love is NOT how you FEEL.  Feelings are self-centered ... a concern with us getting what we want. This has nothing to do with love, and the stronger our feelings are, the more selfish our "love" is.

    2. You are confusing attachment for love.  Love is a choice, made mutually by both, to care to and nurture each other's well-being. It can be done without any emotion .. love is ACTION, and it is mutual action.3.  The more we try to use "love" to make our life happy and to like ourselves, the more we choose bad people and/or ruin the relationship.

    All you need to do is to look at "I feel so wronged so much" to see that your "love" is just a self-centered desire to be happy .. AND that you picked the WRONG person to give yourself to, since they do NOT give back.

    You are only as traumatized as you make yourself feel. Keep on telling yourself how wronged you are, and you will continue to strengthen your emotions of being a traumatized helpless victim.

    Until we are whole and content on our own, we will not attract nor be attracted to someone who is good for us. And the more we hope love will fix our unhappiness and our life .. the more miserable we become once the newness wears off in the relationship.

    NEVER make a man 'EVERYTHING', nor get together with a man who makes you his "everything".  You must always remain yourself, and give yourself 50% .. the other 50% you give to him.  Just as HE gives 50% to you, also.

    Love is not about making up for some inner lack, but from bonding in partnership and mutual nurturing.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    You have to realize all men, including ministers, priests, your father and all men have a life time habit of masturbation.  They tend to have an urge for a release more often than women.  And their sex drive is high because of the male sex h ormone, testosterone.  It's a personal and private activity and i really don't know why your bf had to discuss it with you.   But you really do  need to know that he's not unique.  

    You may also want to realize that his masturbation habit isn't bout you.... and that it's truly a male habit.  

    Now, as far as  his insults and criticisms of you and the crappy things he says to you, that's abusive, even narcissistic behavior.  Seeing this part of your relationship question, i think you can do better than this guy.  No one deserves to be treated the way he treats you.  Lose him.  That's my advice.

  • 1 day ago

    Many, many people have had bad relationships in which they were treated abusively by their partner. I'm sorry that you didn't have the strength to break up with him a long time ago, before he broke up with you. At this point you should be glad that he's out of your life and has freed you to find a much better person to be with. Beyond that, I'm not sure what you're asking us.

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