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How do I get revenge on a ex-girlfriend who done me wrong who bullied me online and stabbed me in the back?  ?

So me and my ex-girlfriend where together for three years after the break up I wanna be friends with her, but back in 2019 she bullied me on Instagram and over text calling me names and sending me odd pictures of the peace sign. It is now 2021 and since then it has affected me in so many ways I have confident issues over it and feel upset about what she said she use to be best friends with me also was my girlfriend now she has been horrible too me. I asked her too meet up with me she said okay then and when I went to the location she needs to meet me at she didn't show up and said some stupid excuse's. So I then tired to find her house to speak to her one on one to ask her why she is doing this and say she had upset me very much by bullying me online also. 

I asked people if they new where she lived too but didn't get anywhere so I went back home, anyway I now have her home address and wanted to knock on her door and face her and ask her why she was so mean too me and to fix things with her once again I do care about her and this has effected me so much now. Do you think it is wrong to knock on someones door and comfort them about cyber bullying or bullying in genreal and you also know them from the past.   

7 Answers

  • Trish
    Lv 5
    22 hours ago

    If she is bullying or stalking you it's a matter for the police.  Do not go to her house you will create more problem.  I suggest you find some way to get your confidence back because she definitely is not worth it only a small person would belittle others.  When you broke up you should have cut her off all social media and everything else.  Don't give her a chance to bother you and inform everyone including the police about what is going on.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    I suggest you stop worrying about her and start working on yourself.  Questions like this always say as much about you as they do about her.  In other words, the worse you make her sound (and she sounds awful), the more it says about you that you got with her, stayed with her, and even tried to keep in touch.

    She is JUNK.  So you owe it to yourself to figure out why you think you're worth so little.  A healthy guy would have run from this a long time ago.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Get a sex change operation, change your name to her name, and do video porn under her name. 

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    You were together for 3 years and you didn't know where she lived?? How is that possible? And what country are you from?

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  • Janet
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    In other words, how do you avoid facing your own hurt and healing?

    How do you strengthen your anger probelms and maybe even cause cancer?  Is she worth killing yourself over?

    Get some therapy.  Your response is dysfunctional, and it doesn't matter what she did.  YOU have to learn to become emotionally healthy and there is no room for hanging onto anger .. which is nothing but a secondary emotion caused by emotional pain that we are too afraid to face and work with.

  • Merry
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    STOP... Do not go to her house. 

    Do not confront her.

    Do not harrass her.

    Doing that is grounds for her to get a restraining order against you. 

    It's time for you to get some counseling to support you to move on. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Yes, it is wrong.  Most of us have had a break up in our lives. Most of us have had someone saying something mean about us. We get over it. If you keep stalking her, she'll call the police on you. 

    Didn't the pictures of the peace signs tell you that she wanted peace with you? 

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