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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 day ago

Fauci is wise and does everything based on science and even when he admits lies we all believe him, so why isn't anyone wearing two masks ?

This is a serious question, if you step back and think about it.  Even his most ardent followers are not wearing two masks.  Indeed, I believe that Fauci started wearing two masks to give Biden cover because he always wore two.  It was a political move, and then he made up a story about "if one is good, then two is better" and then looked for some study to back it up.

So, why aren't all of you wearing TWO masks, like the Fauchmeister says we should?  Clearly, you believe he was full of **** on that one, right, or your would be following his lead?  So, was that bit of political theatre really even two much for the science-is-a-religion types who are signaling their virtue nonstop now?

Updated 1 day ago:

Jeff D.  As Y!A comes to a close, I always wonder if you are a Jeff D. that I know in the real world.  Did the mississippi flow east to west in your home town?

Updated 1 day ago:

Randy, man I wish that was funnier. Really, I do.  It seems a bit dis-jointed though, to be blunt.  Well bud, maybe next time.

5 Answers

  • 1 day ago

    Fauci has said:

    1) No need to wear a mask.

    2) You must wear a msak.

    3) You should wear two masks.

    He must have been right once by now?

  • 1 day ago

    Fauci has pretty much taken both sides of every issue when it comes to COVID.

    On March 9th he was telling people to go take a cruise if they want, and then 6 days later he's meeting with the President telling him we need to shut down the nation to slow the spread.  Unfuckingbelievable!

    And it was don't wear masks, then wear masks, then wear 2 masks, no one is fine, no two is better.

  • 1 day ago

    The socialist dove Dr. Fauci now wants everyone to have a lit joint in each nostril you Nazi scum!

  • Jeff D
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Fauci has been on both sides of pretty much every issue related to the pandemic.  If you don't like his advice, just wait a while and he'll reverse it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Because Trump would contradict what he said and made mask wearing political. His minions are something else.

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