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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 day ago

Having sex with others while dating?

If I really like a woman and have been speaking for a while - is it wrong of me to sleep with other women. We are not exclusive but she has told me she has deep feelings for me and may see a future with me. I had sex with another girl a few days ago and told this girl I am dating, she hasn't spoken to me ad ignored all my messages since. We were not in a couple so was I wrong? 

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    It’s nothing wrong about it 

    Have sex and find the right one that gives you pleasure tremendously 

  • 1 day ago

    It isn't wrong to see (or even sleep with) multiple people when you are single and not exclusive with any particular person.

    With that said, it is incredibly RUDE, CRASS, and IMMATURE to discuss another romantic rival with someone you are courting. 

    Put yourself in her position: how would you feel if you were talking to this woman, the two of you are discussing date plans or telling one another how much you enjoy each other's company, and then the woman suddenly blurts out to you "oh, by the way, I was out with this fine gentleman a few nights ago and we had sex, just thought you should know."

    Most people would feel pretty lousy after being told this hurtful information. Why does the person feel the need to bring up a romantic rival? Is the person thinking about this rival, when the person SHOULD be thinking about the one they are currently talking to? Did the person bring up the rival to try to elicit a jealous reaction?

    She's ignoring you because she doesn't appreciate the fact that you believe it is appropriate to tell her all about your romantic pursuits with others. Keep this information to yourself, it is incredibly bad manners and poor taste to bring up the topic of other people you have a romantic interest in, when your focus should be solely on the individual you are currently talking with. 

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