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I basically forgot about Ben Shapiro and many other AntiDNC Types, but seeing Dems Proudly Elect a guy in the midst of Dementia....?

....has re lit the Anti Establishment 🔥 inside me. Anyone else?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    15 hours ago

    False premise.

    President Biden id doing a great job and that's what you hate.

    You just can't admit he's doing a much better job than Trump did.

    For example, but 100 days in office we could have 200 million people vaccinated.

    Vaccinated by a virus Trump totally mismanaged and allowed to get out of control.

    Not to mention Trump being a traitor for inciting a riot at the Capitol that got people killed. He tried to stop the counting of the Electoral College votes so he could remain in office.

    You are a traitor to your country.

  • 15 hours ago

    Ben Shapiro failed a layup interview with a Rupert Murdoch conservative on BBC.

  • 15 hours ago

    You don't count, never did, and never will.

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