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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 day ago

Who here is a former believer?

I don't believe in God anymore nor in religion and wondered if anyone else feels the same. Is anyone here a former believer? What are your reasons for leaving religion and/or stopping to believe? 

12 Answers

  • Why???why you don't believe in God??just observe scientists took several years to develop a robot which is still not perfect so how a scientist cannot have a creator,there is someone who is controller of everything and that is Allah

  • 1 day ago

    I started off as a sort of deist back when I was a kid. Now I’m an agnostic atheist. 

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    I was raised Christian, spent over 20 years going to church and believing in God.

    I studied the Bible, hoping to get closer to God but all it taught me is there is no proof that God exists.

  • 1 day ago

    I still believe in a Higher Power, but I'm a former believer in the Christian version of God.  I stopped believing for many reasons, a few of which include (1) the absurdity of thinking that non-believers in a particular religion burn in hell for all eternity, (2) the errors, contradictions and other discrepancies in the Bible that are inconsistent with divine inspiration, and (3) the fact that both ancient Judaism and Christianity borrowed extensively from the ancient pagan religions back in the day, which is not what one would expect if their teachings came directly from God.

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  • 1 day ago

    I was a believer for around the first 40 years of my life.  I wasn't sure about my beliefs when I was in my early 40's and being in a science related profession, I figured that looking at the evidence for my beliefs would show that they were right.  What I found is that there is very little evidence that supports what the Bible claims and that either it is of no consequence or it is complexly fabricated or "spun" to seem like evidence.  "Patterns of Evidence" is a great example, it seems like it is presenting facts, but a bit of research into its claims shows that it is skewing (beyond the stretching point) random things that have nothing to do with the Exodus, not to mention a healthy dose of cherry picking and misleading claims.

    Frankly, after many years of objective research, I have found that most, if not all, religious writers are not trustworthy and are only about what will see their books  & DVDs while they are complexly wrong.  The "Answers in Genesis" guy seems to have a better clue about what he is talking about, but it is clear he has little clue about what he says or how it relates to facts.  "Dr Dino", not only is a tax cheater, to a much large extent than most people, but he is a great debater, with a complete disregard for the facts. When it comes to any sort of objective, factual representation, no Christian author or apologist comes close to anything like academic standards and at best are relying on confirmation bias for their claims.

    Creationists love to throw out examples of how science has be wrong, but they neglect to point out that it was science that corrected those mistakes and that science thrives by continuedly testing its findings

  • Steven
    Lv 4
    1 day ago

    I feel amazing to have never chosen to have created diamonds and especially trash for the God of the bible who throws the trash away. Even though I would especially be considered a diamond myself for creating diamonds and trash for God in Gods eyes. The diamonds and trash I am referring to is having children.

  • Mack
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Nope, never believed.

  • 1 day ago

    Any one who have left a religious believe is a former believer.

    They quit because either they were deceived into the religion or they couldn't wait to achieve their expectations

  • 1 day ago

    I was up until a few years ago.

    Researching the bible and religion is what woke me up.

    It's all complete lunacy.

    People always ask me how I'm so nice all of the time, and I tell them because I am no longer a christian.

    I've truly never been more content than I am as an atheist.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Me.  The more I studied religion and tried to answer my questions the more I realized that it simply didn't hold together.

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