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Should the U.S continue to squander money on overseas wars and kinetic weapons, or invest in space laser weapons instead?

Sending tens of thousands of troops to a location leads to never ending war. Space lasers can end a war much faster.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    11 hours ago

    The problem with the science fiction thinking nonsense is we do not have a power supply that can produce any meaningful particle discharge or any meaningful laser blast. We're in the nuclear age we know how to make a nuclear reactor. We don't know how to build any meaningful particle weapons or any meaningful laser cannons just yet.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    The sort of space lasers you're talking about are very, very high-powered

    and are not really practical at the current time.

    (Lasers that powerful require basically an entire warehouse-sized support and power structure. The power requirements are ENORMOUS.)

    We can (probably) make space lasers that can knock out a high-altitude missile or another satellite

    but a laser that can reach the ground


    kill large groups of people?

    As far as I know, a laser that powerful doesn't exist ANYwhere

    let alone one able to achieve a range of Earth orbit to Earth surface

    and with a power supply small enough to lift into space.

  • 1 day ago

    Space lasers are the future baby! What good will the racist cons guns do against a space laser you Nazi scum!

  • 1 day ago

    "The US Space Force's first mission should be to counter Jewish Space Lasers (JSLs), although watching comminist California burn don't bother me so much."

    ---Marjorie Taylor Greene

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  • 1 day ago

    they should spend money on helping the homeless with drug addiction issues

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