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  • What is the title of this book?

    It's a kind of ghost/horror book, and I can only remember small details from it. Here are some:

    -There was a rhyme about seven steps that lead down to hell and the children used to look for them in the woods

    -There was a kind of ghost of a dead little girl that used to kill animals for fun (scene of her beating a pet to death with a stick)

    -The ghost of the dead girl's brother pretending to be a high school student

    -They go into the sewers at some point

    Sorry there's so little to go on! I read it years ago and simply cannot remember the title. If you have any idea of what the title is please answer, but please do not answer just to give me suggestions of books to read--my list is already long enough.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • This songs name.....?

    What is the name of this song and the artist? It goes something like "I am green today.....I am orange today", and it's used on a commercial (I think it's for dell).

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Sick fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    My goldfish seems to be sick. The water was just changed this Sunday, and the filter cleaned as well. Now the water has clouded, and he and the other fish seems to have trouble breathing. He is laying at the bottom, leaning on his side, and occasionally swimming to the top and trying to jump out of the tank. The ph is fine, there is no ammonia in the tank, the nitrate level is low, and the temp is about 76 degrees. Please help! We are going to try a water change, but what else should we do? What's wrong with him?!

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Learning about the Roman Catholic religion?

    I am (obviously) not Roman Catholic, and do not believe in God/many of their viewpoints. However, the religion has always fascinated me. I also have to have a measure of respect for a religion that was able to last through all these years. So, are there any good books (other than the bible) or places online to learn about it? I have friends that are Roman Catholic but am fearful of asking them about it in case it sparks another religious/political debate.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Eyeliner question........?

    I have sensitive skin, and it will irritate my eyes really quickly and cause them to water making it smudge/run a lot faster than is normal. Is there any that's good for sensitive skin and waterproof & smudge proof? Also I'm fairly broke so I need something that isn't too expensive and fairly easy to find......

    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • "Goth" clothing..........?

    What are some good online stores? I'm not "goth" but those are basically the kind of clothes I like and wear. Yes, I know thrift stores are always good, but it's always a shot in the dark. So do you know of any good online places (preferably U.S. stores) that aren't too expensive? Please do me a favor and keep negative comments to yourself--they're amusing, but they waste my time (and yours I'd imagine).

    9 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Suddenly becoming religious.....?

    Why do people suddenly become religious? I am talking about how people who had been atheist their entire life, suddenly deciding they believe in God because they are close to death or a loved one dies. I don't believe in God, and could never imagine changing my opinion. No offense to those people, but if they changed their opinions so quickly did they ever really NOT believe in God?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do religious people....?

    Why do some religious people try to force their beliefs on you? I have many friends that are VERY religious, and they always try to make me believe what they do. It was alright for a while but now it's getting really ******* annoying. I am an atheist, and they can't seem to except that. How can I nicely let them know that since I don't ******* care that they believe in God why should they care that I don't?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My best friend...?

    I have been friends with her for about nine years, and we have always been close. We're still really good friends, get along really well, and hang out but....lately (the past few months) it seems that she's been putting her other friends first. This is not a jealousy, I-don't-want-to-share thing, I don't care that she has other friends. It's just I feel like I'm starting to becoming her second choice for everything. For example: we've gone trick-or-treating with each other for years. This year we both decided we didn't want to, and that we were going to hand out candy at home. Then on Halloween she went trick-or-treating with her group of friends. They even came to my house. I know I shouldn't be mad, but still... She just seems to be choosing them over me. I haven't said anything, because I don't want to seem like a *****, but... What should I do/say?

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Striped socks?

    I recently saw a pair of blue and black vertically striped knee high socks on tv (don't remember what I was watching). Anyone know where I can find vertically striped knee/thigh highs?

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How can I convince my mom I should dye my hair?

    I want to dye my hair, either a solid color, or put streaks in it. My dad says it's perfectly alright. My mother says absolutely not (they are not divorced, so it's not a control/win my love kind of thing). I have tried to convince her it's not a big deal. She died her hair for years, and my sister dyed her hair when she was my age and got away with only a week on grounding. However, by the way my mother has repeatedly said no, I have a feeling I would get a lot more than a week. I hate making my parents upset, and getting in trouble with them. How can I convince her that I'm a teenager and just want to experiment with my hair; that it's nothing big? Also, any advice on how to convince parents that I should be allowed to get my lip pierced? Yes, I already know it would hurt like h*ll.

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How to socialize with homeschooling?

    I started homeschooling a year ago, my parents and I both agreeing that it was better for education. However, I am not religious, and have no way of meeting people. I was always the shy sit-in-the-corner kind of girl at school, and as consequence have ended up with shall we say "less than a lot of friends"? I prefer homeschooling as far as education goes, but feel I might go mad from lack of socialization in a day (I teach myself school, with my parents being at work). I have been considering public highschool to solve the problem, but really REALLY do not want to attend it. Any suggestions as far as clubs/groups go?

    15 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • How many guppies for a twenty gallon tank?

    My guppies have had babies, and the tank is now VERY full of adult and baby guppies. How maky is too many to have in a twenty gallon?

    10 AnswersFish1 decade ago