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Why do religious people....?

Why do some religious people try to force their beliefs on you? I have many friends that are VERY religious, and they always try to make me believe what they do. It was alright for a while but now it's getting really ******* annoying. I am an atheist, and they can't seem to except that. How can I nicely let them know that since I don't ******* care that they believe in God why should they care that I don't?


I said SOME religious people. Not all.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well because they think their religion is a good thing and everyone should have it. if you dont understand exactly how thats a bad thing then look at it fro ma different perspective. what if christianity was a disease....and these people wnated everyone to have it.....

    thry care because theyve been told to care. they think beleiving in their god is a good thing (besides all the absurdities and commandments to kill).

    i reccomend you lay down the law and tell themto refrain from talking religion.

    Source(s): Atheism: The Logical Choice
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, as they say, either misery loves company or because they feel that if they don't "save" you, then they did'nt do their mission well enough in the eyes of the lord. For some people, it's either "my way or the highway" type of feeling. Those you can't change, so either you deal with them, or cut them off eventually.

    As you can see, different people react in different ways when something new comes along that enlightens them, so to speak. Some of these people don't like to be proven wrong and will do whatever it takes to show you that their right. There's a lot to be said about such insecurities.

    I personally am not an Atheist, but I don't practice mainstream religious ideologies neither. I too don't like people getting too...let's say... pushy on a subject, just because I don't agree with them. Do they have a right to be pushy? Contemplate this example:

    Jesus preached. His apostles preached. They went from town to town preaching the good news. Those that wanted to listen followed them. Those that did'nt want to listen stayed out of the way. There's no mention of Jesus or the apostles "pushing" their ideas on the common folk. It was up to those people if they wanted to listen or not. Out of many of those, only a few converted from Judaism to Christianity. This is how Christianity worked in those days. After the death of Jesus and his apostles, corruption settled in and eventually the Catholic church was born out of this. From there forced conversions became the norm for centuries to come.

    Use this example if need be. Otherwise, keep it simple and frankly tell them you have no interest whatsoever. Do not bring this subject up no more. If they don't comply, then it may be time to search other friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not all religious people do that.

    By your reference to "God," I would assume the friends that are hassling you are Christian. It is sad that you would base your beliefs about all religious people on these poor examples.

    Unfortunately, Christianity is founded on the belief that only they are right, and anyone who isn't Christian is wrong.

    This is the same mindset that is being used by the radical religious extremists that destroyed the Twin Towers in New York. This mindset is the reason America is currently at war with the Taliban.

    The only difference is, Christianity's solution to this is to convert everyone else, and the Taliban's solution to this is to kill everyone else. I fear it is only a matter of time until Christianity as a whole disposes of this difference: some already have. Christianity would do well to abandon this mindset.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm also very opinionated too. I find it very annoying, when anyone tries to impose their believes on me, I don't care wither it,s religion, or politics, or anything else. Everyone has the right to believe in anything they want, Belief in the Easter bunny if you want, but don't try to force the rest of us to but out the silly eggs. The next time one of your friends start in with the sermon stuff, put up your hands and tell them "back off , this subject is not open for discussion, now let's talk a bout something else"

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  • 5 years ago

    I wasn't raised in a spiritual relatives and that i particularly did no longer basically 'bypass alongside with it'. no longer something substantial 'befell to me' to make me religious the two. for an prolonged time I had the sensation that something wasn't quite good with the worldwide and that i wanted solutions. be conscious: i'm a Buddhist, via ways.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll guess that it's Christians who are pestering you.

    It's every Christian's duty to bring the news of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus to those who haven't heard it, and it's the goal of Christianity to maximize the number of souls going to Heaven through having been Saved.

    Next time a Christian pesters you, tell him or her that you've already heard about salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus, and that telling you again repeatedly is only going to annoy you and decrease the possibility that you'll accept. If that Christian has any brains, he'll shut up.

    (Disclaimer: I am a Christian).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe that they do it because they are told to. They have to so they can have new customers to give them money and buy their paraphernalia and spread their message. In order to survive they must constantly be recruiting otherwise their business will fail. Just get new friends I started a atheist org you should too

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they care about you, just tell them that if and when you decide to believe in god they will be the first to know.

  • 1 decade ago

    From a Christian standpoint, there is this collection of verses commonly called "The Great Commission". In it, Jesus ordered us to tell all nations about our faith. I'm sorry your friends are getting annoying. Have you tried asking them to lay off? They may not realize they are upsetting you. With Christianity, you do worry about your friends. I mean, if my sister was cutting herself, I would worry about her health. You worry about the people you care for. Ask your friends not to preach so much. They should respect your desire for them to back off.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are young. Remind them that only God is in a position to look down on someone and about that whole "free will" thing.

    Just intelligently tell them that you do not follow their beliefs and will not follow their beliefs, so the conversation is pointless.

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