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Favorite Answers19%
  • 92 Honda Accord. Automatic Transmission problem??

    My husband replaced the shift cable. From what I was told the linkage has to be adjusted. Anyway, now when I drive my car, I can't seem to find the gears right. When I move the lever to R for reverse it seems to be forced when I accelerate. When I put it in N it goes into reverse, D4 is now N.. and so forth.. Does anybody know what this is?? Does anyone know what an estimated cost might be? I don't want to take my car to get it fixed and be overcharged cause i'm a woman.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Dependents?? How many can I claim?

    I'd like to know how many dependents I can claim. I already claim one (my son). I am the head of the household right now. My husband is ill and is with his family in Mexico. He is a legal resident of the US and has a valid SS#. Am I allowed to claim him? Would it be in my best interest to claim him? (Meaning at the end of the year that they are going to give me considerably less money back on my refund?) Can I claim myself as a dependent? I am considered low income but, I don't receive any type of welfare or govt programs.. Thank you to whoever can give me some advice..

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Spells? Black Magic? Witchcraft? .. give your opinion.?

    My husband and I moved to Mexico about a year ago. After 2 wks of being there, he flipped the mattress over and found a small piece of aluminium foil with some dirt and/or ashes in it, on his side of the bed. He found weird things in our truck such as photos of a girl, nailpolish, lipstick, etc. I know that he wasn't with any other females because he was with me the whole time. He hasn't been that kind of a guy. I notice that he has really distanced himself from me and his family.. He has always been close to his family. Seems to be extremely irritable, doesn't eat, doesn't sleep well.. We also found certain words written on the outside of the truck on the windows in the dust that collected there.. Too many things to list.. What could this be? Anyone got any ideas?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Para los que saben de Brujeria... Sera brujeria o no?...?

    Hace como un año mi esposo y yo nos movimos de eeuu a mexico. Alli conocimos una amiga de mi sobrina. Segun dicen q esta muchacha y su mama son brujas. Dice la gente que ella esta obsesionada con mi esposo. Como dos semanas despues de llegar a Mexico, mi esposo volteo el colchon de la cama y encontro un pedazo de aluminio con ceniza o tierra adentro poe debajo del lado donde duerme el. Ademas, encontramos una foto de esta muchacha en la camioneta por el lado del chofer por debajo del tablero. Cuando nos regresamos a eeuu me regalaron un perfume en mex, pero me dio miedo usarlo, por lo que habia oido de la brujeria. Mi esposo ha cambiado mucho desde q nos fuimos a mexico. Le molesta todo y tiene muy mal modo. No se quiere juntar con la familia. No le gusta estar en la casa. Casi no come y no duerme. Nunca lo hemos visto asi. Siempre ha andado con la familia. Se nos hace raro todo esto. Q estara pasando? Sera un hechizo? Si es que si, a quien creen q hicieron el mal, a el o a mi?

    8 AnswersReligión y Espiritualidad1 decade ago
  • Hernia Inguinal? Si un hombre tiene una hernia inguinal, podria embarazar una mujer?

    Mi esposo tiene una hernia inguinal. Ya tenemos mas de un año tratando de tener un bebe y nada. La hernia de mi esposo tendra algo que ver en eso o sera otra cosa? Yo he tomado omifin por 3 meses y ni asi hemos tenido suerte.

    10 AnswersOtros - Enfermedades1 decade ago
  • Penjamo, Guanajuato.. Alguien de alli conoce a Maria de los Angeles Garcia Alvarez?

    Estoy buscando a una amiga que vive en un rancho que se encuentra en el municipio de Penjamo, Guanajuato.. Se llama Maria de los Angeles Garcia Alvarez.. Le dicen La Mariquin o La Mariki.. Tendra ella ahorita unos 19 años de edad.. La ultima noticia que yo tenia de ella fue de que estaba estudiando en la escuela VIBA localizado en Potreros, mcpio penjamo, gto. Gracias

    4 AnswersAmigos1 decade ago
  • Clave Lada para Maravatio de Ocampo, Michoacan??

    Estoy tratando de hacer una llamada desde EEUU a Maravatio de Ocampo, Michoacan.. antes marcaba 011+52+447+numero local.. pero se que han cambiado las ladas.. ahora como le hago? alguien me podria ayudar??

    2 AnswersMorelia1 decade ago
  • Does Crystal Meth use a womans ability to get pregnant? Serious Answers Only!!!!?

    ~*~ i'm gathering research for a project that i am working on... No I am NOT a crystal meth user... and I am NOT thinking of getting pregnant anytime soon.. Just because someone asks a question does not mean that they are asking because it pertains to them.. Open your mind a bit and think of all the possibilities.. Don't be so negative/critical of others.. ~*~

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Does Crystal Meth use affect a mans ability to impregnate a woman? Serious answers only!!!!?

    ~*~ I am not a crystal meth user.. I'm not planning on getting pregnant anytime soon.. I'm gathering research for a project I am working on.. Please answer this question only if you are serious.. I don't want to get a bunch of.."well, i hope your not gonna get pregnant... " or "people like you don't need to have kids.." .. Just because someone is asking a question here doesn't mean that they are asking because it pertains to them.. they could be asking out of curiosity or because they are gathering information.. lets be a little more open and a little less negative/critical of others..please"

    7 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago