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Does Crystal Meth use affect a mans ability to impregnate a woman? Serious answers only!!!!?

~*~ I am not a crystal meth user.. I'm not planning on getting pregnant anytime soon.. I'm gathering research for a project I am working on.. Please answer this question only if you are serious.. I don't want to get a bunch of.."well, i hope your not gonna get pregnant... " or "people like you don't need to have kids.." .. Just because someone is asking a question here doesn't mean that they are asking because it pertains to them.. they could be asking out of curiosity or because they are gathering information.. lets be a little more open and a little less negative/critical of others..please"

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, lets think. Crystal Meth is made from Poisonous Materials. Very poisonous materials that can be stored in the fatty tissues of the male and female adult (and children) in the house. So, yes, I'd say it can. Anytime its smoked, it impairs the lungs, brain, ability to think and reason, shuts down the ability to breath to a degree and impairs the ability take in oxygen to the brain and body. This will affect to some degree the ability to use muscle and tissue as well as the production of sperm also. Also, the motility or viability (livliness) of the sperm can not help but be effected if the poisons are spread throughout the body and they will be in time. Crystal meth will damage the ability of the sperm to "swim" for it you might say. Also, any sperm who make it may not be "viable" or live very long or be "self abortive."

    However, with time and rehab, alot of the damage should be reversible, thankfully.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can agree with the "critical negative msgs that many post here after they disagree with one's question or answer".

    It can get pretty headious with ppl cuzing at others and telling them off.

    perssonally i have never done drugs, other than medications for my medical condition, but I have heard from the Sheriff's office how bad things get for those who do such drug.

    It will affect everytthing not only babies but the person that does it ends up addicted, and suffering heavy consequences from it.

    If it is said that coke fries the brain, crystal meth will surely over fry it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you can get pregnant and yes anything toxic can cause baby abnormalities and yes I agree with you that you can ask things out of curiosity and it should be o.k but I must admit I do get a big of a giggle out of some of the answers that are smarty pants answers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Could cause major birth defects and may mess with your sperm causing pregnancy problems. But yes you can get pregnant. But do you want to do that to a child? wait till you test clean before you even think about it. Babies aren't toys take a parenting class to see what it is really about. Take care and good Luck. :-)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, any toxin will. Even cigarettes smoked by the man may damage the chances of pregnancy or damage the child.

  • 1 decade ago

    ha ha ha that serious enough?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Please don't tell me what to do.

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