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Lv 621,517 points

Angel Eve

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Please ONLY msg me if you want my help, or have a question relating to something I've said in Yahoo.

  • What is the best product for under eye fine lines?

    I'm about to turn 32, I've used SPF and many other creams under my eyes, I'm just asking what you all have seen that works for under eye fine lines. Nothing like botox please, just a cream or serum. Something you have seen that works. Thank you :)

  • My draw something app isn't working... Help?!?

    It worked yesterday, today I can't open it. The omgpop screen comes up, and then it shuts down. I have hard shut off my phone, and it still won't work, what do I do?

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • What MAC eyeshadow is similar in color to Burberry Midnight brown?

    Or even which colors to mix together. I have so many MAC's, I don't want to purchase more if I can make this color.

    1 AnswerMakeup9 years ago
  • The lock button on both of my key fobs don't work, but all other buttons do. ?

    The unlock, trunk pop, and alert all work on both of my key fobs, but not the lock button. What is wrong?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What is the 1 weird old tip that the advertisement "Cut down a bit of your belly every day...1 weird old tip."?

    The advertisement says "Cut down a bit of your belly every day using this 1 weird old tip." I just want to know what the tip is. I started watching some forever long video, and that leads to some stupid book... Just give me the simple version. I'm curious... whats this 1 weird old tip?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do I choose between these two men?

    Please read whole thing. Here goes... I am a 30 year old woman. I was married to a man I loved indescribably for 7 years. The last few years were really tough and incredibly difficult, but I never stopped loving him. His only major flaw was that he never showed me that he loved me. He never said it, never acted on it, nothing. So I truly felt like he wanted to leave me, but was too scared to do so. We were bickering often, and not getting along well. We never saw each other but maybe a few times a week. Im a full time student, he has a full time job and works till 1030, whereas I have to get up at 6am, so I go to bed early, and never saw him at night. So anyways... Lots of love, hardly see eachother, both monogomus. Well, things were pretty bad that last year, I felt like he wanted to leave me, but wouldnt because he'd feel guilty for leaving me when I was still in school. So I chose to leave him. In january, I asked for a divorce. He didnt fight for me, he didnt say much of anything. We agreed on all the terms and filed. Everything went thru with no problems, totally amicably. I met a NEW guy in february, he is so kind and sweet. He totally accepts all my quirks and never makes me feel bad for being a little neurotic, and he's so passionate. He tells me he loves me every day and cuddles with me, holds my hand, loves me, and to me that is so important, I need that kind of love. The day after the divorce was final, my x wants me back. Idk why he waited so long, or why he didnt say anything... but he was willing to do anything, couples councilling, really do anything. He even tries to show me he loves me. This was his only flaw, that he couldnt show me he loves me. He says things like, "if you gave me the chance, I'd show you I love you every day, I'd never be able to stop myself from showing you." He says he feels like losing me will be the biggest regret of his life. But when I was with him, I felt so unloved. So alone at times. So sad. Now he says all this stuff, and for months literally he has been doing things to show me he loves me. But my new boyfriend and I have gotten really close. He is incredible. I'm so amazingly attracted to him, and I know wo a doubt that he loves me. He shows me all the time. Alas....he has a downside too. He has lied to me about various different (some minor/some major) things. I feel like I want to desperatly trust him, but sometimes its too hard to move forward with that trust.

    There are some other major things that need to be mentioned. I have no children, ex husband is a stable minded person, who is very smart and put together. Boyfriend is 5 years younger, does a million things a day that make me feel like I'm his mother, is generally a mess, and hasnt even begun to put his life together. He wants to, but doesnt have any motivation in life. Also, My job will most likely move me away (anywhere from 50 miles to 3000 miles), my x will not move more than an hour away, and my boyfriend will. I'm so lost... I feel like I'll never figure out my life. I'm not even asking for a solution because that is impossible. I'm asking what would you do? I'm asking for an unbiased opinion. Thank you

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I have a coffee table, and my boyfriend left a bowl of ice cream on it, and it got bumps in the wood...?

    Its a cheap Ikea coffee table, but I cannot afford a newer one, and now there are bumps where the bowl was left. It raised the wood up, can that be fixed?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • If I'm a 6 in women's shoe sizes, what am I in youth?

    I went to shoe carnival once, and they said that I can buy the exact same shoe from nike in youth for 20 bucks cheaper because my feet are so small. So what size am I in youth? Thanks

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Last night I felt like something was watching me and it woke me out o a dead sleep at 3 am?

    I felt like something was literally flipping through my thoughts. It was like too many people were in my head. I really don't know any other way to explain the feeling. I'm not crazy or doing drugs and this has never happened before. I never felt scared, I felt like whatever was there was curious. I told my friend about it when I woke up and was told that something similar happened before but she felt a huge pressure on her chest in the middle of the night. That it woke her up and she was growling. She was growling not whatever it was. She said it really scared her and made her feel very primal. I didn't know this til I told her this morning. What is this? Anyone have experience with this? I said a prayer for protection soon after my thoughts were being flipped through, and immediately felt alone again. What happened last night? Also I don't know if it's related but I feel really sick today. Please don't be mean in response, I just want to know if my experience has happened to anyone else or if I'm alone. Thanks

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What is the name of that syndrome you get when Every disease you study you think you have?

    Im studying so many diseases.... and I swear, I probably have 5 of them. They're all cancer related....I know that Its unlikely that I have them, but I know there is a syndrome that is this. Thanks

    6 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • How can you tell a male from a female by the way fingers look?

    On CSI once I saw an episode where they could tell the sex of the corpse by the fingers. I remember my husband and I looking at our hands and discovered they were right. We just cant remember what it was. Anyone out there remember?

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • What song played after Muse played at the 2009 VMA's?

    It was when it was going to commercial. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Where can I read Janet Evanovich Finger Lickin Fifteen online for free?

    Trying to save money by reading books online and since online books are EVERYWHERE, thought that I could find this book. Thanks

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I had an ORBI ball, its an orange ball with 2 plastic prongs coming off of one end and has streamers. It broke?

    Does anyone know where I can get another? And its not the expanding orbi ball that I see online now. I got this ball back in the 80's. Thanks in advance. Also, if you don't know where I can get one, do you remember who made those? Thanks

    2 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • I'm looking for the dress Mila Kunis wore in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was a brown halter dress with ....?

    pink flowers and it was silk or satin. It was a flowy dress. It must have been like a uniform dress in the movie because all the waitresses were wearing them. I just want something like that. But if you know where I can get it, thats even better. Thanks.

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Please give me the word that means the anniversary of the day someone dies?

    It can be in any language. Preferably english, but I dont think there is a word for it.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • What should I wear to an interview to get into my clinicals?

    I've completed all the school work, and I applied for the radiation program. I finally got my interview, but Im not sure what to wear.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • I saw a commercial on television about a program that helps you learn more english words, what is it called?

    It said something about the average american knows 10000 words, and we use to know around 36000 words 100 years ago. I want to learn more words. What is the name of the program called? I already speak english so this is simply to learn more words. Thanks.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • When will Lj smith release Damon?

    On her site it says coming soonish. Does anyone have any idea when soonish is? I really want to read it since the last book had them all driving off together without Stefan.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago