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I am 24, and I am from the UK.
Would you worship god if there was no benefit to you?
I am just curious what Christians (and other religious groups) would say to the following question.
Suppose for a second that we proved that the 'god' you claim is real came forth and declared himself to be completely legitimate. He shows humanity how he has always existed outside of space and time, how he made the earth, how he formed everything and everyone and how he is always watching.
Now suppose for a second that that god, as all powerful as he is, tells you that despite all the belief that you have, there is no afterlife. That for all the good you do, all that possible prozelytising and trying to convert people, has no affect whatsoever on your standing with that deity. That when you die you'll simpy rot in the ground and be no more. That this is the only life you'll ever have.
In this scenario, do you thik you would continue to worship at the feet of the god that you know to be all powerful, or have your motives for doing so only ever been shaped by the possibility of endless, heavenly rewards?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoReally simple question - just feel like asking?
If (some) christians believe that end times are coming and that it was all predicted in the text of the bible, why would that text not predict anything more specific about the time that we are living in now?
I mean, if people were really prophetic, surely to give a better clue of when this would happen they would give an indication of the sorts of developments that make up that time (for example, explicit descriptions of cars, computers, the internet etc etc), so that people would have better knowledge of when they were refefrring to and could see that they were correct and not just making open ended statements that could mean anything.
Oh wait....could it be that it's all nonsense? Hmmm
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years agoSeamonkey Link question?
I'm new to the world of web design and am currently using seamonkey for designing of a first website. What I want to do is link a text box in one table to open a new saved page in another table. I don't want the link to open in a brand njew page or tab, I just want a text link to link to a new page in the main content window
Could anyone let me know how to do this please?
Thanks for your help
1 AnswerProgramming & Design10 years agoHow much to learn to fly in UK?
Could anyone let me know, on average how much it would cost to learn to fly in the UK. I'm only talking about a small aircraft, but have no knowledge about any of it.
If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it
1 AnswerAir Travel1 decade agoWhat are the biggest problems you have whilst using your computer?
Or to put the questions better, is there anything that's happened recently whilst using a computer that you thought was quite annoying. I'm looking more for things to do with the computer and peripherals rather than the software if that makes any sense.
2 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoQuestion on iPhone contract ( orange) ?
I got myself an iphone 4 on boxing day and signed up to a £35 a month plan. The first payment was supposed to be made on the 5th jam but I've just taken a look at my account online and it's saying my balance is £52 something. Can anyone explain where this extra gas cone from?
1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans1 decade agoDo you get atheist campanologists?
Bell ringing seems cool, do you think they'd only let you in if you believed?
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf (g)od created us with the view for us to live on this earth, and to praise and worhsip him....?
...then why did he place us on a planet that by our own actions (genocide, nucleur war, global warming, natural disasters etc) that would inevitably wipe out our species and anything else that inhabits it.
Surely once this happens there would be no more reproduction, and hence no further individuals to worship him. This must be against his wishes?
BTW - I'm a humanist and an atheist, but I read the R&S section as it (sometimes) offers up interesting discussion. That and it's funny.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo you think that anyone in this section reads the answers they get which contradicts their thoughts?
I mean, I see it more and more, someone (particularly more towards the theism end of the spectrum) will ask a question (particularly of atheists) about their thoughts or why they do a particular thing, but then the best answer always appears to be someone who confirms their own hypothesis.
Isn't this circular way of thinking exactly what the religious community want to get away from if they need to add weight to an argument? To have a serious discussion about something, rather than simply going with what they thought in the first place, may actually foster better relationships in the R&S section.....but hey, it's just a thought.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSong in "Curious case of Benjamin Button"?
Could anyone tell me, what is the song that plays in this film (2008) when Benjamin is learning to sail his boat, and going out with the various woman. It's stuck in my head, and I don't know what it is!!! lol. Any help greatly appreciated
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agoDo you think that there should be a R&S section?
I mean, thinking about it, theologians and experts on the subject debate these sorts of things every day, and we're still not coming any closer to people agreeing -because there is no way to agree - in the end it either comes down to logic or faith, as nothing can be decided either way without proof either way; something which scientists are working on, but have not yet found.
Is it not the case, that a section of this nature actually fuels anger and resentment between groups of believers and non believers, and therefore does a disservice, or do people think that it actually helps to continue the (seemingly) never ending argument between science and religion.
Your thoughts..... :)
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoComputer not starting up?
I have a PC running win XP, or at least I did have. I was surfing the net a week ago, and suddenly the computer turned off. Every time I try and turn it back on, it gets as far as the xp loading screen, and then makes a sound like its been turned off. It then returns to the boot screen, and loops.
I have tried starting it in safe mode, but this didn't help. I don't have the original XP cd as it was preloaded, so can't do a fresh install. Could people give their opinions on what I need to try please?
5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoPub quiz team name needed!?
I have a pub quiz tonight, and following on from several weeks where we've had really terrible names for the team, we are looking for an amazing one from all you out there that we can take and win with.
We'd really like to involve the words "Meet-up" in some witty way, but any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade agoLast minute Halloween costume ideas!!?
I have a haloween party that has been sprubg on me at the last minute (you'd think I'd have seen it coming really), and I have no costume. Could people please suggest ideas for what to go as - obviously I don't have much time to make anything, and I really want to go as something cool - movie characters always welcome
11 AnswersHalloween1 decade agoCan a guy be too nice?
I have been told I am too nice, especially in relationships. I want to ask women what they think is appropriately nice, and what is taking it too far.
a lot of women say that they want 'nice' but Could women answer what turns them off about a guy being too nice, and where the line is please?
...look, I even wrote please!!! lol
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoAm quite long should I leave this?
I have been seeing this girl for about 2 months now, and its going really well, but lately she has been in a very bad mood - not with me specifically, just in general (work has been bad, she's been too busy etc).
She posted somethign on facebook earlier in the week saying that she thought it was best that people stayed away from her, as she was annoyed. I sent her a few messages asking how she was but they came back quite abrupt.
Now I find out that a family member has died, and she is quite upset. She turned her phone off so as not to speak to anyone. I sent her a message saying that I was sorry, and that I am here for talk/hug if she needed it.
We haven't spoken since or today. I miss talking to her, but understand that she is not wanting to. I jsut want to know what other people think - should I try calling her sometime?
10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDating question - how long after first date should you....?
I have a really quick question
I have been out on one date with a girl who is great, and we had a really good time. We ended it really well on Wednesday night and since then we have left little comments on each on each others facebok pages.
I was wondering, how long you should ideally leave it before asking the person out again. I was going to ask tonight (Friday) if Monday would be good. I know I am over thinking this, but I don't want to be too eager or too lazy and ruin it.
What do people think?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoUK beer question - Ark beer?
A couple of years ago, when I was at university I came across this pub in middledbrough which served a beer called Ark (or something very similar) which came in a really tall glass, and when it was pouring it was placed on a turntable and sprayed with ice water on the outside. This meant that there were ice crystals formed in the beer.
It was probably the best summer pint I have ever had, but cannot find it anywhere in London. has anyone heard of such a thing? Ever? lol
1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoWhat do you think - dating question?
I met a girl a few weeks ago, and we have seen each other a few times on a night, for drinks/dinner etc, but I can't work out what to do next. I have told her that I like her, and we have a great time together, but I can't work out how to progress to anything more. I don't know whether she doesn't like me like that, or whether she is just very shy like me. How do I find out, or progress to the next level with this?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat do people think of humanism as an ideology to follow?
Also, for the Uk people, what was your opinion of the so called 'atheist busses, run by the Guardian jounalist, and the British Humanist association?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago