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  • Oily skin (with detail this time, apologies all!)?

    Ok since now five year old came along my skin has had a great time being a total nightmare from breakouts every month to REALLY oily skin. Over last few months my breakouts have calmed (thankfully!) but my oiliness hasn’t. I’m careful with facial scrubs etc and have tried so much. I can’t wear makeup as within an hour I’m shiny again lol. I’m now open to suggestions as I’m beginning g to get really frustrated with my skin!! Thanks in advance! L x

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body3 years ago
  • Oily skin!😖😖?

    4 AnswersMakeup3 years ago
  • 4 year old daughter suddenly crying at nursery school?

    Ok...sorry I think this will be a bit long! So... the little lady started at nursery at the same school her big brother age 9 attends. She started in September, on a full day basis after going to stay and play half day until that point. She was used to being dropped off and was always looking forward to going.

    She loved everything, right down to swimming which they are lucky enough to do as they have a small pool attached to the school building. Monday week, after the half term break, she was tearful when she got to school. Unusual for her, but she was ok. Tuesday, same thing. Wednesday (swimming day) cried a little when I left, then refused to get in the pool. Cried until she was re-dressed and returned to class. Last Thursday, bit of a wobble, but Friday was fine. This week: AWFUL. Monday she screamed, Tuesday she cried for two solid hours. Yesterday refused to go swimming AGAIN, but was offered in the afternoon (they have morning and afternoon swimming classes) and she went, saying she had a great time. Today...I had to put my foot down and I left her screaming again. Now the head of early years wants a word (like its my fault) as bubs told her she doesn t like school.

    Head of early years has been off for past 4 weeks and is a bit of a dragon having changed since becoming head of early years.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler4 years ago
  • Scrapbook idea...?

    I have a really lovely close friend who very tragically lost her father last month. He was a true gentleman who is, and will continue to be, missed very sorely.

    My friend writes the most wonderful poetry, and was always encouraged by her dad to write. As a small gesture from me and a few friends we have thought of maybe making her a personalised scrapbook to write her poems and poem inspirations in? Kind of as a reminder of her dads encouragement if that makes sense? I have been given this task as I'm a bit " arty crafty" but the problem is I don't do paper craft have no idea where to start! I've looked around for scrapbook making sets but they don't seem to be right for what I'm doing...does anyone have any ideas for places/sites where I can get supplies or any thoughts on how to create a poetry scrapbook? Thanks all! Xx

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts6 years ago
  • Up To Last Week My 5 Year Old Was A Really Good Sleeper?

    Until 7 nights ago he started waking up about 5 times. The first time is for a wee, at 3am, regular as clockwork. Normally he'll nod right back off but recently he has started coming in our room asking for someone to check on him every few minutes til he sleeps. When we tuck him in, we tell him everything is alright and checking on him might not be possible as we are very tired (I'm 8 months pregnant and my husband gets up at 5am every day for work and gets very little sleep as he doesn't usually get home til gone 9pm.)

    My son will then say its ok, let us get back in bed and then just as we''re about to nod off...he'll call for one of us just so he can have someone in his room. The excuse he gave for the first 4 days was "you get to share a bed!" Last night it was "I'm not sure nothing will happen to me!" I'm at my wits end, nothing is working, I tried talking to him, I tried being firmer with him, I tried not talking to him and just putting him back in bed...has anyone else had this? It's not being pregnant I don't think as he is excited to meet his little sister and up to now slept very well. He's been involved with my pregnancy from the day he found out we are expecting so he doesn't feel pushed out (I did ask him this, and he said he is excited for his sister coming.)

    He only ever co slept when he is poorly, so its not that he's used to our bed of anything. Help!!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • My in laws don't bother with my son?

    I've got a mother, brother and sister in law. Basically my sister in law and brother in law were both fine with my son. Until my sister in law had her daughter. Now none of them bother at all, it's only when they want something. My sons birthday is three days before my nieces; I have to work around their plans for parties, I have to put up with them plastering it everywhere how it's my nieces birthday (never mind their nephews!) and my brother in law spends more time and effort on being an uncle to my niece, and can't be bothered with my son.

    The part that bothered me most today was, he bought a big bunch of balloons for niece, and gave her £50 in her card. My son got £5 and a card that had the wrong age on.

    The way I see it, you should do the same for both, one shouldn't have more than the other. Now I have another baby on the way and so far they've not bothered once to ask how things are, etc. Quite honestly I don't want them to, I'm sick of this it's been going on for three years!

    I really am ready to cut all ties with them as they just don't care about my son, but my husband can't see a problem when everyone else can.

    Every time we discuss it ends up in a row because he refuses to see any perspective other than his own.

    What would you do?

    7 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Opinions please, I'm having friend trouble?

    We have been friends about 8 years and everything was generally ok until our children were born (we both gad boys 5 months apart.)

    She became boring, absolutely no fun at all. I gave up in the end in trying to get her out enjoying herself. Then the problems really started three years ago.

    She basically started pushing me out whenever we were out all together. She'd turn her back on me, ignore me when I spoke, anything to make it so she was the centre of attention. Me being the decent and calm person I am, said and did nothing just took it with a pinch of salt knowing full well the next day she would basically be my best friend again. Then she started with money. "borrowing" but never giving back, she owes me more than £1000 in total if I'm honest. £30 here, £50's all added up. I've never borrowed anything from her though, I never would.

    Then there was the getting me to collect her from work then take her to collect her son from her childminder because her partner works nights and they only had one car at the time. This happened twice a week for about 6 weeks. Then instead she started asking to borrow my car. Then she started having me look after her son while she went to the gym for an hour. Then it was look after her son all day on my first wedding anniversary. The kids? Last birthday my son got nothing for his birthday. I had my birthday missed. My husband has had his birthday missed twice. If I missed ANY of their birthdays, there would be utter hell to pay. You can't rely on them for anything other than to let you down or break plans at the last second yet I am expected to keep every single word.

    The last time I saw or spoke to them was the 30th July although I did text her on Friday that week (3rd August.)

    She sent me a text message in Thursday saying "I don't hear from you anymore" and I told her the truth, this past week I've been chasing my five year old around keeping him busy, trying to see my husband who works 15 hours a day 7 days a week to make ends meet and I've been having a hard time with my pregnancy. I got no reply, I tried to call her twice yesterday but she rejected my first call and ignored my second. I'm sick of her now as everything is always my fault. I'm just trying to actually understand what I've done wrong really, and to ask how it looks to everyone else?

    I've been there for her through thick and thin and got nothing in return, am I actually at fault here? Sorry people I've ranted a bit!

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Not sure about this name for our baby...opinions please?

    Hi all. I'll cut right to the chase, my husband wants to name our baby after his step dad who very sadly passed away last year. Unfortunately I'm not keen on the name Steven but don't know how to tell my husband I'm not happy with it. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with it as a middle name but as his first name I'm really not sure. Our first born is named Henry, and it just doesn't seem to look right with Steven.

    Should I just say nothing and let him get on with it? What would you do?

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Making Pink Shamballa Style Bracelets?

    I make my own jewellery (including shamballa type bracelets) and have been asked to make a pink one. Easy enough I thought occurred to me that where I usually use the heat from a lighter to slightly melt and hold the cord shut and stop the bracelet coming undone, on a baby pink bracelet this would leave a black dot. Does anyone know how else to seal it closed? I thought maybe epoxy glue but am unsure as to it's long-term staying power? Thanks all!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Tragus Piercing After 12 Days...?

    Ive been cleaning twice a day with hot lightly salted water as advised by my piercer.

    It still feels a bit bruised, feels itchy I still can't lay on it to sleep but it's not swollen or red and hasnt been weeping. Is this normal? I don't remember my navel annoying me like this haha!

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • A Question About Levonelle (Morning After Pill.)?

    Hi there! I was asked a really awkward question by one of my friends this morning and don't know the answer so thought I'd come in here to see if anyone else knew?

    Basically she had unprotected sex on Friday (first time this has happened to her) and went to get Levonelle this morning after we told her you can take up to three days afterwards.

    She took it this morning with an hour to spare, but then told us that she's ovulating (she also has ovulation pains) and asked if it'd still work. I'm really not sure, as all I do know is,between 49-72 hours the effectiveness of the pill drops to 58% and then once the 72 hours are up you're too late to take the pill.

    Has anyone else used Levonelle before under similar circumstances? What happened?

    Thanks in advance! :D

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • My Diamante Shoes For My Wedding Are Gorgeous But?

    When I went for my wedding dress fitting last week with them they kept catching on the chiffon at the bottom of my dress!

    I've really got my heart set on these shoes though as they're beautiful-does anyone have any ideas as to what I could do to prevent the catching? My friend said to try painting over the claws that hold the diamante's in place with clear nail polish but I'm not the most steady handed of individuals and I'm worried I'll get it everywhere else on the shoes haha!

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • My almost four year old has taken to wetting himself...?

    And has also taken to pooping on his bedroom floor.

    He was fully potty trained when he was 18 months old (very quick to learn!) and for 18 months after that he was fine, he was just like any other toddler, the odd wet bed, the occasional accident in his underwear, etc.

    Last September, he began at playgroup, where I leave him for the morning. He went through a phase of having accidents in playgroup, and they were as good as gold, just put his clean clothes on him and sent him off to play (I'd send him to school with a spare set of clothes just in case!)

    Now it's very strange. He's clean in playgroup, clean overnight, clean when we visit friends or family, clean when out playing, etc.

    He always asks to go toilet when he needs to go while we're out. (Althoug if he's really having a good time he'll deny he needs to go until the last second, but he will still tell me and get to the loo in time!)

    BUT. Indoors, he'll wet himself, and at my mum's he'll do the same. He'll also poop on his bedroom floor indoors, too. Actually pull his pants down and poo on the floor!

    I've tried EVERYTHING, from taking him to get checked for urinary infections (nothing) talked to him about anything that he might feel worried about (nothing) tried to be more stern with him (nothing) asking him why (he just answered he needed the toilet) tried mild forms of "punishment" (ie when he wet himself I'd take away one of his toys for a while.)

    He knows when he is wetting, and when he's going for poop, so it's very frustrating-but I don't understand what's brought it all on and why he only does this at home or at my mums. He was fine for over a year, why start now?

    Bigger problem, last week I found out he has been accepted in a proper little nursery school attached to a primary school. It's one of the most sought after schools where we live and little man has been VERY lucky to get a place there.

    The problem is he NEEDS to clean and dry all day as it's a full time nursery place he has, rather than just doing mornings, and will also need to ask when he needs to go to the toilet and I'm worried he won't.

    I know it's not the thought of going to nursery that's causing it because he was doing this before we found out about him being accepted. Plus he's very excited about going to "big boy school" bless him.

    Has anyone been through this or got any suggestions on how to deal with this before September!

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Three year old sucking his lips...?

    My son has had a stinking cold for the last week and has started sucking his lips to the point where they're really sore and red! I've tried him on Vaseline and lip balm (unflavoured lip balm) to try to soothe it but he just licks it right off! Has anyone else had this problem and if so how did you fix it?

    Ps: someone suggested lansinoh it true you can use that on a little 'uns sore lips? Thanks!

    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My three year old has started wetting himself even though he finished potty training 10 months ago!?

    As soon as my son turned 2, I knew he was ready to start potty training (he was waking in the morning with a dry nappy, and letting me know when he needed to pee)

    within a few months, he was good to go, wearing proper underpants. Of course, I always make sure I have a spare change of clothes in case of accidents, but he rarely needed them because he was so good with letting me know when he needed to "go."

    Last week, little man began at playgroup, and so far so good he loves it. I never had a single tantrum on his first day over me leaving, and he comes home excitedly telling me about his morning. Great, I thought.

    Until he started wetting himself; he's stopped going to the toilet when he KNOWS to go, and has taken to getting through around 6 pairs of pants a day.

    Yet, he doesn't have accidents at school (well, twice he did because he wasn't used to the people there and felt shy to ask to use the toilet, bless him. Since then though he has been fine.)

    I'm at the end of my tether, because if he's not wetting his pants, he's peeing on the floor!


    It might help to carify he turned three this past Monday. If anyone has any experience with this please help. I've tried gentle reminders, scolding him (because he knows when to go) ignoring the's now been a week and a half though and i'm at a loss. He only seems to do it when he finishes playgroup, either at home or at relatives houses. It's frustrating as for the past 10 months he's been fine! :(

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What to do I've been falsely accused...! :(?

    Ok, I'll make this as quick as. Last month I was out with my friend for her birthday. Nothing too fancy just a trip to the local. Get there, my brother in law and a group of mutual friends of his and my other half's are in there. (Other half and brother in law have known them since they were kids)

    Part way through the night, we all start talking to one another, at the bar. at midnight, the publican locks doors and turns off front lights as is usual for him to do so we can go on drinking etc.

    Talking to one of other halfs "friends" he says, "your other half said I could borrow some of his DVD's to watch as work is really quiet and boring most of the night and I've got a portable DVD player. Can I give you a call tomorrow to come and get them please?" I said ok but land line is broken, you'll need to take my mobile number. I've already got yours on here, i'll drop call you. You can just ring me in the morning or something and maybe you or your wife can come up?"

    He said ok, I drop call him so he has my number. There was NOTHING in it, he's my OH's friend. Besides, he's a mutt. Anywho, I drop called him at 1:45am as I was on my way out of the pub with my friend (who had heard every single word of that conversation.)

    Next day, I get a silent phone call from a withheld number. I just ignore it, and forget it. A week later, my friends' little boy had his birthday party and OH's friends' wife is there. She blanks me and gives me dirty looks all afternoon. I took no notice, thought maybe she was just being her usual moody nmiserable self. (She's EXTREMELY two faced.)

    Then, a couple of days after that I get told by my best friend that this woman had rung her screaming down the phone that she was going "beat the f**k out of that dirty little sl*g next time I see her whether she's got her son with her or not" because I had drop called her husband at nearly 2am. Silly cow thinks I've had it away with her husband. Grim.

    She told my best friend to say nothing, but every time I see her now, she either looks at the floor, or if we're with loads of people she gives me filthy looks or even better turns her back on me and tries to cut me out of conversation. It's getting on my nerves but she thinks I don't know what her problem is. I'm dying to confront her but I've been told by everyone it's not worth it. What would you do?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What was the last thing you saw that made you laugh so hard you gave yourself a belly ache?

    Mine was my son running round with his underpants on his head singing the sponge bob squarepants theme song!

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know any hair and make up people for my wedding next year?

    I live in Millwall (East London) and I need someone who can do hair and make up for me, my 4 bridesmaids, my mum and my mum in law...I know it's going to cost a bit but everywhere seems to be charging a fortune!! Thanks in advance people!

    2 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • Sex before marriage...?

    here's a question for you all...after seeing more and more questions popping up on here about people's thoughts on the whole above mentioned topic I just wanted to ask...

    is it the general theory that as soon as sex becomes an issue, he loses respect for you? Or, is it that as soon as you do, you're doing wrong? I always thought it was a case of love and trust surpasses what goes on behind closed doors. Well, it does for me I've been with my OH for nearly 10 years, we have a son together who is 2 and we're getting married next year. It just seems that, I've done all the things that married couples do, just without the piece of paper and a change in name (that comes next year!), and so far everything is fine. I'm not damned or anything haha!

    I just thought I'd ask what people's general thoughts were really. And no each their own. :)

    12 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • shoes to go with my wedding dress...?

    I originally chose a really gorgeous pair from Faith and just I was going to place the order on their website....they went into administration.

    I've so far not seen another pair I like!

    I'm just over 5ft2, and have chosen the Maggie Sottero "Reese" dress...does anybody have any suggestions for shoes? I don't mind a mid to high heel as h2b is a lot taller than I am! :)

    9 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago