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Titans and UNT Eagles

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I am ARMOANTIC ASEXUAL and SFL and will stay that way! Cleveland Cavaliers fan (2002 - Present) I am NOT a fan of bandwagoners, even Cavalier bandwagoners. I don't hate teams, I hate the players on the team that are arrogant and think they are Holier Than Thou Top 5 favorite players (Current) 1. Kyrie Irving 2. Kevin Durant 3. Kobe Bryant 4. LeBron James 5. Stephan Curry HR: Kawhi Leonard Top 5 favorite (All-Time) 1. Michael Jordan 2. Magic Johnson 3. Oscar Robertson 4. Shaquille O'Neal 5. Larry Bird HR: Kevin McHale I would like to meet and have contacts of users that are not bandwagoners, that would be great! I like playing on the blacktop in real life too. I shoot when open and have hustle including chase down blocks. Good rebounding and passing. I don't have that good of a dribble or layup make % even if it's on a open make. Guess it's just not my game Lol XBL : xFortyTheRapper Youtube : DoubleYT

  • Understanding iPhones?

    I wanted to know how they work in this sense. I want to get my sister the new iPhone 6 for Christmas. She s been wanting to upgrade forever, but $800 is just too much now. I found a deal on a pretty new one on a site like eBay or w/e and its much more affordable. It s says its locked to Verizon though.

    Now my question is, iPhones have sim cards, right? So I can just take it out the old and put it in the new one?Currently, we have Verizon, so it would be the same company? I ve never done this

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • Do you think it should be in the LGBT group?

    So, I'm Aromantic Asexual. Do you think it should?

  • Nude pictures from a random on kik?

    So today some girl decided to randomly choose to send me nudes to my phone through kiking. I don't know anything about this person besides her physical appearance obviously. Because of my orientation, sexting is one of the veryyy few things that piss me off. I told her about the law of sexting, but she brushed it off like she's above the law.

    So, is it possible to report this to any type of authority, even though I only know her physically appearance?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • My platy had a white spot next to his eye?

    So I treated it and did the water change

    The white spot was discovered yesterday, now the spot is black. What could it be?

    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • Mickey Mouse Platy Question! Please?

    Hello everyone,

    For about a day, my platy has been acting strange. Most of the time (Probably like 90% of the time), he's chilling under a plant not moving. The other 10% is him swimming, but while he's swimming, it's like he's moving his body like a human would shake their head no. Sometimes he also go under a live plant and shakes like he has a vibrator on him.

    I've read up and it keep seeming like Ich, but I'm not sure. Could it be ich? or something else


    1 AnswerFish7 years ago
  • Should I get a 4th fish + B.Q., thank you everyone!?

    Hey everyone,

    Currently I have a 10 gallon freshwater tank, i've had them for a while while and I'm already raising 2 guppies and a Mickey Mouse Platy. I got all the stuff like air pumps, live plants, hiding spots, filter, etc. etc. they swimming and circles and playing around now so I'm thinking they're pretty healthy

    So I heard it's a inch for gallon and that's based on adult size, so I have few 'Put you in my shoe' questions:

    - Should I get one more fish? Probably together right now, the 3 fishes max sizes add up to about 6.5"

    - If you would, what type of fish would be work well with Platies and Guppies? I've heard Swordfish do, but that's about it?

    Thanks in advance

    B.Q. I feed my fish a pea about once every two weeks. Is that a good amount of time and is that a legitimate treat?

    3 AnswersFish7 years ago
  • What would be a nice laptop for college?

    I was wanting a laptop for college. I'm always gonna stick to the ol' pen and paper, but I also wanted something in where I could study and research outside the labs.. like outside, at the rec, or anywhere, maybe even use it for class. I was wanting some suggestions on a good cheap laptop. I would only use it for educational purposes. I don't need a super powerful laptop that can play 10000000 games. I had a few ideas but was wanting to get more opinions to make sure I don't overpay when I could have got something better. Thanks in advance!

    P.S. I would use it mostly for the internet and mainly use Microsoft Office and some graphing programs including AutoCAD

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • What should I ask mommy for Christmas? I'm 20?

    Lol jk, putting it all towards UNT

    But onto the question, would you rather have $500 worth of items or $500 cash?

    4 AnswersChristmas8 years ago
  • I was wanting to buy a used car, but no established credit + bonus?

    Hello everyone,

    After paying this college off, I will be able to go back and get my education, but with 5 people in the house (1 goes to school in a different city, and 3 of us work in different cities) it's always been a challenge to schedule everything. I was wanting to buy a used car to make it easier for around the $9,000 - $10,000 mark, but this would be my first car. Thing is, I don't have any established credit and my mom's credit is poor so I wouldn't have a cosigner. What I was wanting to do is put about $3,000 down on it (Since I do work), and pay it off monthly, but I'm not sure if that's how it works exactly? Could someone explain/tell me if that will work or not or is it more difficult then this? Thanks in advance

    Bonus: I was wanting to get a used Smart Car. How many miles are those cars good for? I've seen some on sale for 6,000 miles and some for 50,000 miles. Thanks also in advance

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Loan questions to continue my education?

    I'm trying to go back to college after two years and currently in debt. I'm saving up to pay it all out of pocket, but after the school lying to me 3+ times in this span, I would be about $1,500 short (Got alot in savings account from warehouse working). What I was wanting to do is get a loan for $1,500 and pay off the College debt to get that out of the way forever, so I only would have to focus on the loan I got.

    Thing is though, I don't have any credit. My parents told me to check the Idk, but it says my credit was 700. I was wondering if someone can explain why it's saying that, when I don't have any memory of past loans (It says everything is in check and perfect and I've been working on establishing credit for a year and four months)

    Also, would it be a good idea to get the college debt out of the way and be able to focus on just a bank loan (Or should I try credit union)?

    I would cosign, but my mom has ~575 and my stepdad ~620, so I don't think that would work

    If none of this would work, I could always continue paying it by saving up, it would just take another longer than wanted time since I usually help weekly with Gas/Grocery bills and occasionally with other expenses like Light/Electricity/Phone and this week rent.

    But please, let me know ALL my possibilities, thanks in advance

    (I'll easily take the harsh truth, as long as it's not put in a immature way)

    Personal Finance8 years ago
  • Why does a person cut down another person that's only 2 years younger?

    Just because they're younger? I don't get it

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Question regarding grooming in Army ROTC + More?

    Right now, I am planning to go back to school in January to work on my degree of Mechanical Engineering. I have also been speaking on and off with a Army recruiter for some years now because I've been ehhh on if the Army would be something for me. So I was wondering a few things

    - Right now, I have cornrows to the shoulder. Would they require me to cut it all off or just cut the ends super short? Because again, I just want to take ROTC initially to see if it would be a legit option as a backup, and in all honesty, wouldn't want to shave my head for a elective.

    - To anyone that has taken ROTC, how is it if you could describe in just several sentences? Pros? Cons if any? What activity did you find most interesting?

    Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Did select Texans fans really burn Matt Schaub's jersey after game?

    I mean, I'm against them, I'm a Titans fan, but what are your opinions on it? I say it was pretty dumb.

    Like, I ain't hear about any Eli Manning jersey burnings yet. Only been 25% of the season

    3 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Always borrowing money from each paycheck?

    So, I have been out of college for about two years (College was the best thing ever) because of debt. This July, I'm like "This sucks, I need to get back in", so I got a job and planned on getting back into school. As of right now, all I have to save each week is around $220! I make way more than that each week, I can do this!

    But... each paycheck, my mom says "You're gonna have to help on the bills". I understand I live there, but every week? And when they're isn't a bill, they say they need help on groceries or gas. It confused me because when I left my last job in Janurary... they were doing fine up until I got this job magically. (Did the same thing when I had my fast food job, which was min. wage)

    I want to help pay bills, trust me, but I have my own bill to pay. How can I politely tell them I can't pay every week, but bi-weekly maybe. They won't accept that response, I know, I've lived with my mom all my 20 years, I know her enough. I've always loved my mom, I'm not like the new generation child.. though I have planned at looking at apartment complexes if this mission of getting back in school doesn't work out.

    Saying 'no' straight up isn't as easy as it sounds. Most people that say that probably never have until their like 45 years old

    I've always wanted to join the army if I can't make it back in school by Spring Semester 2014 (Really, no lie), and they're iffy about that, that's one option

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Foot pain only in left foot?

    Lets say I put my foot flat on the ground. If I lift my foot up with just my heel or if I walk down stairs, I get some like extreme spasm pain at the top of my foot below my toes. Why is this? Its been about 3 days

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • says the missing peice to the Cavaliers is?

    Trevor Ariza

    Thoughts on that?

    5 AnswersBasketball8 years ago