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  • $1000 PC builds?

    need a new gaming pc. monitor included in the 1000 but i already have a mouse and keyboard

    1 AnswerPC6 years ago
  • Can someone draw me a picutre?

    So i had this idea. And i really need closure so this needs to be drawn. I need someone to draw.

    Clifford the Big Red Dog. Except hes also Darth Vader. Also his front left paw is a Volkswagen Beetle.

    I would be in many debts for this and i would owe atleast 3-4 solids for this.

    Thank you for your time and service. (:

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    should i dye my hair?

    Hi i was wondering if i should dye my hair. I kind of just want to for the change of it. Ive been thinking black but some friends suggested not too. And also a brighter kind of blone but im not thinking it. Any colour you think that would look good would help. Even anything outside the box like mixes and stuff. So an outside opinion would be nice. Thanks c:

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • should i go to germany or australia for a student exchange program?

    well i have decided to go on an exchange program next year from canada to either australia or germany. if i go to germany i will have to learn german, which i have no problem with, but australia is more expensive. i would be ok with both i ust need help deciding. also in austalia i hear alot of their schools arent co-ed (boys and girls split) and im not a very big fan of the way im in grade 9. if anybody that has any experience or lives in either of theese countries could help me out that would be awesome.

    1 AnswerOther - Europe7 years ago
  • can somebody help me setup tumblr?

    well i want to get into tumblr but im not very good at setting up theese things and i dont know what to do, so if you could at least give me some tips or somthing? i could give you my login if you needed it


    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • what hard drive should i get for my laptop?

    hi i just got an hp envy 17 and it comes with a 1 tb 5200rpm drive and i was either gonna change it out for a hybrid drive or just put in a secon ssd what should i do

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • what is that sound at the playstation commercials?

    does anybody know what that sound is at the begining of the playstation comercials that goes like doop or somthing like that im trying to find an audio file for it

    2 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • why if something happens in the us its huge but anywhere else no one cares?

    so ive wondered this for a long time but im asking this just cause i think its weird. like seriously probably 90% of the world knows about 9/11 and 3000 people died. but hiroshima and nagasaki (the first places a nuke dropped) 250,000 people died and probably not that many people know about it. and the boston bombing 3 people died and it was an international story. and then how bout the spanish flu pandemic do you think if i walked up to a random person they would know about that and it killed 50 million people!

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • why is god an epicfail?

    hes an epic fail

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • why is she not texting me back?

    so there's this girl and me and her are wheeling (going out with out actually going out) for like a week now and she has a boyfreind and i didnt know untill she told me a couple days ago and me and her all ways just talk about random stuff and she asked me if i wanted a bj and i said hell yeah. and then she said she wanted to break up with the guy first. so she said il text you when i break up with him and that was like 3 hours ago now she texted me back like a half hour ago and she hasn't texted me back yet after i texted her. but i don't know why she wouldn't text me cause we like each other allot. why isn't she texting me?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • why is eminem trying to act young again?

    like seriously i liked it when eminem actually just kept his hair brown i always thought he looked stupid with it blonde and he looked like a 14 year old kid with it! like seriously hes like 40 years old again and hes trying to go back 10 years! like seriously i think its about money or somthing cause this dosent make sense. like my favorite songs by him are from back when he was blonde but then recovery came along and it changed him and now hes just rapping about ******** for call of duty and to sound like old shady so sorry for ranting and just try to answer my question

    5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop8 years ago
  • what do i do with this girl!?

    ok so im in grade 9 at my school and theres this girl that i see every once and a while and shes pretty hot like 8.5 outta 10 and i like her and she told me to text heron friday but i didnt have her number so i asked her for it on today and i texted her and she was sad that nobody liked her and i said i liked her and she said it was sweet cause i was so attractive and i asked her if she liked me and she said yes because i asked for her number and remembered that i had to text her. and we texted alot more and we were playing a question game where we ask eachother questions and i asked her if shes ever been high and she said yeah and she asked me if i wanted to get high with her and i said sure. and we were texting alot and i kept telling her she was hot and she kept telling me i was hot and than she asked me if i wanted to wheel and i said sure but she told me she had a boyfreind and i didnt know that and she told me that she was gonna break up with him for me and i was feelin pretty hot by then and i said sure but what im askin is should i do this thing with her like with everything but i don't know if i should so help me please! and sorry it was long.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • what do you rate this build? im using it for gaming and if you have any help it would be appreciated

    4 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • PC vs console gaming?

    well i was a hardcore console gamer... till i watched what Microsoft did with the Xbox one and learned how much more beautiful graphics on PC's are. just wondering how many PC to console gamers there are

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Gear8 years ago
  • what is some good rts games?

    ive played sc2, c and c, sins and i was just looking for more games and if there is any really good rpg games you know that woulld help

    1 AnswerPC8 years ago
  • what is a good laptop video card in the mid-high range?

    i need to upgrade my laptop video card and was looking for something int the mid-high range and i can get them my buddy works at dell so i can get laptop video cards

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • what is better for gaming a 17 inch laptop or 15?

    im going to buy one and im stuck between the 2

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • can i replace a laptop hard drive?

    i have a laptop and i need to know if you have to buy a special laptop hard drive or could i just get a normal hard drive

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago