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Why don’t West Virginia Republicans hate Joe Manchin and why don’t Maine Democrats hate Susan Collins ?
West Virginia is a Red state aka Republican state but Democratic Senator Joe Manchin has been able to maintain his seat in the US Senate since 2010 and Maine is a Blue state aka a Democratic state but Republican Senator Susan Collins has been able to keep her seat in the US Senate since 1997. How does a Democrat have support in a RED state and how does a Republican have support in a BLUE state ?
3 AnswersPolitics1 month agoDo you think Mike Pence betrayed Donald Trump on January 6, 2021 when he didn’t reject the electoral vote counts from swing states he lost ?
A lot of Trump supporters are calling Mike Pence a traitor for refusing to object the Electoral Votes from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Donald Trump claims the election was stolen from him and on Jan 6 prior to the Capitol being breached, Trump told his supporters that Mike Pence has the power to send the electoral votes back to those states and Trump would be very disappointed if Mike Pence failed to do this. A lot of rioters on the Capitol even chanted “Mike Pence Traitor” and “Hang Mike Pence”. Did Mike Pence even have the authority to reject the Electoral Vote Counts. Did Mike Pence betray Trump ?
18 AnswersPolitics1 month agoIs it true that if you view someone’s Facebook profile that you are not friends with, that you will appear in their “ People You May Know “?
I recently googled, “ Are people you may know, people who visited your FB profile, and the first thing that pops up is, “ If you visit someone’s Facebook profile that you are not friends with , you will appear in their people you may know” but is this actually true ?
2 AnswersFacebook3 months agoWhy do California conservatives think recalling Gavin Newsom will give them the results they want ?
The people wanting to recall Gavin Newsom and remove him from office have until March 17, 2021 to gather nearly 1.5 million signatures in order to launch a special election. However have these conservatives even done their research on California? Gavin Newsom defeated John Cox by nearly 3 million votes in 2018. Much of California lives on the California coast in San Diego County, Orange County, LA, Central Coast, Bay Area, and Sacramento, and many people in those counties are blue voters. Obviously many of these voters would vote “No” on the recall. California Democrats also control over 2/3 of the State Assembly and over 2/3 of the State Senate, which would make it easy for the State Legislature to impeach and remove a Republican who replaces Newsom. When Gray Davis was recalled in 2003, people thought California was saved but then this state elected Jerry Brown in 2010, and 2014 and then Newsom in 2018. Even if Newsom was recalled and removed from office, people forget about what the left does and then vote the same way again. Josh Newman, a state Senator was recalled and removed from office in 2018 but ran again in 2020 and won again. So how does removing Newsom help conservatives in California in any way?
2 AnswersPolitics4 months agoWhat is your opinion on California’s plan to ban gas powered cars by 2035 ?
What is your opinion on California’s ban on gas powered cars aka (Executive Order N 79-20) ? Governor Gavin Newsom wants to ban all gas powered vehicles and replace them with clean electric run powered cars in order to help reduce emissions and combat climate change . With so many rolling black outs every year during wildfire season, would it be possible to power all the 15 million registered cars in the state and possibly much more ?
30 AnswersPolitics4 months agoWhenever couples take a vacation together who normally pays for the trip? Does the guy normally pay for everything or do they split cost ?
Whenever couples travel together who normally pays for the vacation, does the man pay for everything or do him and his partner split the expenses. It would be very gentlemanly for a man to pay for all expenses with his girlfriend/wife but vacations can usually cost thousands of dollars, even if it’s just a weekend getaway to Vegas or a One week Caribbean cruise or a 2 week trip island hopping through Greece. So my question is how do couples fund their travel expenses?
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months agoCan Joe Biden and the Democrats pack the Supreme Court and what steps would need to be taken to accomplish this task ?
When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died in 2016, Senator Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans blocked Barack Obama from appointing Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, and stated that it would be fair until after the election to appoint a new justice to the Supreme Court. Donald Trump won in 2016, and nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court in 2017 and was approved by the Senate. However when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in September 2020, Republicans hurried to fill that vacant seat and appoint Amy Coney Barret, while Democrats stated it would be fair to wait until after the election. Now that Amy Coney Barret was confirmed to the Supreme Court, Democrats are seaking to expand the Supreme Court to at least 13 Justices. What steps would need to be taken to accomplish this task ?
7 AnswersPolitics4 months agoHow do unmarried couples stay in hotels whenever they travel together ?
How do unmarried couples who travel together stay in hotels whenever they travel together? Do they stay in the same hotel room or separate rooms and if they stay together in the same room do they sleep on the same bed or separate beds ???
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months agoWho should California Governor Gavin Newsom appoint to the US Senate when Kamala is inaugurated as the new Vice President?
There are several candidates who qualify to fulfill Kamala’s seat in the Senate when she becomes VP, but there are several arguments as to who Gavin Newsom should appoint to fill that vacant seat. Many Latinos feel Newsom should appoint a Latina woman, or a Latino since not many Senators are Latin. Black Lives Matter suggests Newsom should appoint a black woman to the US Senate. Some examples of who Newsom should appoint to the Senate are:
Maxine Waters ( Black Congresswoman for CA-43)
Karen Bass ( Black Congresswoman for CA-37)
Robert Garcia( Hispanic Mayor of Long Beach, Immigrant, Openly-Gay)
Who should fill Kamala’s seat ?
2 AnswersPolitics5 months agoWhy do Republicans and Trump supporters think the 2020 election was rigged?
Before Election Day, a vast majority of voters who voted early and sent their mail in ballots early were Biden voters, and that is why Joe Biden was leading before Election Day. But on Election Day, a vast majority of voters who chose to vote in person on Election Day, were Trump voters, since Donald Trump encouraged them to vote in person to prevent voter fraud. But the problem is that in the early hours of November 4, Americans woke up to see that Biden was leading in Wisconsin and Michigan and Arizona, three battleground states. However much of America knew there would be a massive amount of mail in and absentee voting due to Coronavirus, and much of America knew this. Why were so many Trump voters chanting “STOP THE VOTE COUNTS” where Trump was winning like Pennsylvania and Georgia and “ KEEP COUNTING THE VOTES” where Trump was losing like “ ARIZONA and NEVADA”
13 AnswersPolitics5 months agoWhat is your opinion about the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and should we keep it or get rid of it ?
Many Republicans want to see the the Affordable Care Act terminated as soon as possible because they feel it has increased prices for health insurance. Democrats want to keep the Affordable Care Act because by dismantling it, it would leave 20 million Americans without Health Coverage, and its especially bad during a pandemic. What is your opinion about Obamacare?
5 AnswersPolitics6 months agoWhat are your thoughts on last night’s first presidential debate ?
What do you think of last nights debate between Joe Biden vs Donald Trump
11 AnswersPolitics6 months agoWhy are conservatives trying to overturn the 1973 Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade ?
Abolishing abortion doesn’t eliminate abortion it just makes women have abortions on the black market which is unsafe. Abortion should be performed by a skilled doctor at a licensed abortion clinic. After all any woman who chooses to have an abortion it’s just as moral if she killed a fly, since it’s just a fetus
5 AnswersPolitics7 months agoWhy do the residents of Nashville, Tennessee hate mayor John Cooper ?
Residents of Nashville have nicknamed him Mayor Chicken Cooper, and attempted to recall him but why ?
2 AnswersPolitics7 months agoIs California actually becoming socialist ???
According to YouTube Channel Turning Point USA, they made a video about California, saying California is burning, not by our Wildfires or Blackouts but by the flame that destroys every nation around the world, that’s SOCIALISM!!!. California has the highest GDP in the nation, it’s the world’s fifth largest economy plus it has a population of over 39 million people. California is nowhere near becoming socialist Venezuela. Why do people keep Fleeing California and why do RED states continue demonizing California??
7 AnswersPolitics8 months agoWould it be possible for California to become its own country ?
Ok, when you saw the word “country” you probably thought I referred to sovereign states like France, Japan, Brazil , etc... But there are non sovereign states that are countries like Scotland and England, those two are countries but they are not sovereign states, they are part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. And then there is Taiwan and Hong Kong who are owned by China but have very little similarities with China. Would it be possible for California to become its own country , still owned by the US, but have the authority to issue it’s own passport, it’s own currency, have its own flag , but most importantly be able to make and enforce laws without the consent of the US federal government
7 AnswersGovernment8 months agoAre there any RINOs in the 116th Congress and if so who are they?
Are there any Republican Representatives or Senators who have been considered Republican in Name Only in our current Congress and if so who are they
4 AnswersPolitics8 months agoWhich political party do I belong to, Democratic or Republican?
I support some Democratic ideas and I support some Republican ideas, but not sure which party I truly belong to. Here is what I support....
GUNS: I believe every American qualified to own a gun should be allowed to have a gun.
IMMIGRATION: It would be inhumane to deport all these families living here and contributing to our US economy, but at the same time we should secure our borders and prevent further illegals from coming into the US
GAY MARRIAGE: I support the the idea of two couples in love, regardless of their gender, should be allowed to get married.
ABORTION: I believe it is a women’s right to have have an abortion regardless of the circumstances
GOVERNMENT: I believe keeping our government small, means more individual freedom for the American people. Making the government bigger will be a burden to our lives, take the DMV and Social Security offices, do Americans like the inconvenience of long lines, unfriendly staff, and the poor service and prices they offer.
HEALTH CARE: There is no need for a Medicare-for-all system in America. The last thing an American should be willing to do is turn healthcare over to the government. Plus Medicare for all wouldn’t be free, It would be expensive, VERY EXPENSIVE once you see how much you are paying in taxes.
So anyways what political party do you think I belong too
3 AnswersPolitics8 months agoHow did Senator Mitch McConnell get the nickname “Moscow Mitch”?
6 AnswersPolitics8 months agoDoes California even have a big government ?
In a January 2020 tweet from Governor Greg Abbot of Texas, he gave a fair warning to those Californians relocating to Texas, saying they don’t believe in high taxes, burdensome regulations, socialistic agendas, or big government.
While California does have the high taxes, and a high cost of living, its only the 2nd most expensive state behind Hawaii. According to Forbes, it is the 5th best state for entrepreneurs.
California cities have their own government, counties, have their own government and the state has its own government, and the federal government operates its own government within the state but it just seems big because it’s the most populous state but How is California’s government different than the government of other states ?
3 AnswersGovernment9 months ago