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Lv 43,572 points

Melissa S

Favorite Answers19%
  • Breaking in a horse alone, how to get on?

    I am breaking in a horse completely alone so I don't have anyone to hold the horse when I get on.

    I am going to attempt to get on today . He is used to me standing on a mounting block next to him. And I've leaned over his back in the stable.

    So my question is, do you think I should attempt to lean over him with my foot in the stirrup, or just get on? His thing is to bolt and I would actually feel safer getting on properly. Has anyone done this before? Any tips.

    12 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • I went through a red light and a camera flashed me twice?

    What will happen? Will points make my insurance go up a lot? How long do points stay on your licence?

    I heard that you don't get points if it was within 3 seconds turning red is this true?

    Is it possible nothing might happen?

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago
  • What is a nice quality medium sized car?

    I like the audi a3, BMW 1 series and vw scirocco. I don't like the Honda civic. Mazda 3 are ok. Focus and astra are too common I want something special! This is the kind of size I'm looking at around 1.4 to 1.8 engine, no real price limit. Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • Black spot and joint pain?

    I had an ingrowing hair on the back of my hand weeks ago. It got infected but eventually i could pluck the hair out and it healed like a scab. Over about 2 weeks a small black spot appeared. It looked like it was getting closer to the surface and then went hard and fell off like a scab again. It's been a few days since then and it looks like the same thing is starting again.

    Also the last few days I've had really bad pain in the joints of my index and middle finger on the same hand. It's about 2 inches away from the spot. The spot is only about 1mm.

    Does anyone know what this could be. I use a mouse in work and assumed it was this but could they be related?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • My gelding has pain in his flanks?

    It's on both sides when I touch him he went to kick me and it's completely not like him he's never done that before. I've owned him for years and hes never minded it before.

    There hasn't been much grass on the field recently and it's been really dusty.

    The hay is really dusty too and he's been eating his straw too because he's hungry because theres no grass.

    I recently changed his feed but it's to a very similar feed.

    Any ideas what could cause it or what I can do?

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Is land likely to go down in value in future?

    Thinking about buying a few acres. Is it a good investment at the moment or is it likely to go down in value. I just want it to keep horses on I'm not trying to make money just don't want to lose it. Any advice would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Terrifying dream what does it mean?

    I dreamt I was sat on my bed talking to my friend and she turned into this man and pinned me down on the bed and kissed me. I was struggling and screaming and he was pulling my arms and legs.

    I then woke up still screaming and I couldn't move my legs were still being pulled and pinned down I struggled to the other side of my bed and then "woke up" again, could move and was fine but felt terrified and didn't want to go back to sleep.

    Im not sure when I woke up the first or second time but it's seemed very real when I couldn't move my legs. Also I'm not scared easily I don't ever remember being that scared but nothing in particular scared me, just had a feeling of terror.

    What does it mean?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Is this a reasonable price? And anything I can add to this?

    Harry is a 16hh rising 5 year old hanovarian x Warmblood. He is chestnut with 4 White stockings and a White face and flaxen mane and tail.

    I've backed Harry myself and he has never put a foot wrong. He is a very quick learner and always tries his best to please. He is forward going but never strong/sharp. He is really sweet and full of personality.

    Harry has competed and won at local dressage, show jumping and one day events. He could excel in any sphere. He will hack sensibly alone or in company even in heavy traffic. Canter/gallop in company without getting strong/silly. He will jump anything you put in front of him. Harry has also been to the beach and cross country and is very brave.

    Harry is great to load. He comes to call in the field. He is a little nervous with the farrier but never does anything bad.

    Harry is absolutely one in a million! Hes always happy! Everyone that knows him loves him. Everywhere I go strangers come over to comment on how nice he is.

    No vices. He comes with full tack. Can be delivered.


    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Should I change from snaffle to gag even though I want to do dressage?

    All my horses have only ever been ridden in a loose ring snaffle because I do a lot of dressage. One of my horses is really strong and I was considering switching to a gag as he goes so much better in that. Only problem is will this make him worse when we try to switch back to a snaffle for dressage?

    Also, he's on loan to someone and she has harsher hands than me. It's nothing major or I wouldn't let her ride him I'm just worried if she's riding in the gag regularly will it harden his mouth?

    (I don't ride him hardly ever I'm asking for her)

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Should I change bits for my young horse even though I want to do dressage?

    All my horses have only ever been ridden in a loose ring snaffle because I do a lot of dressage. One of my horses is really strong and I was considering switching to a gag as he goes so much better in that. Only problem is will this make him worse when we try to switch back to a snaffle for dressage?

    Also, he's on loan to someone and she has harsher hands than me. It's nothing major or I wouldn't let her ride him I'm just worried if she's riding in the gag regularly will it harden his mouth?

    (I don't ride him hardly ever I'm asking for her)

    2 AnswersHorse Racing8 years ago
  • PLEASE HELP I have a lame horse but hes unhanded so I can't check his legs?

    Went to see a horse last week and he trotted in the field sound. They dropped him off a week later and he was lame on his front fore in trot in the paddock.

    He's been in the stable for 2 days with just 1 hour in the paddock a day. Today he trotted fine for a bit then went lame, then he was lame in walk too. (this is on soft grass and sand. He walked better on the concrete on the way in).

    I've been getting him used to being handled but ive only had him 3 days. He still won't let me pick his feet up properly or stand still while I feel for any heat/swelling etc. And he wont trot in hand. So I don't see the point in getting vet/farrier yet when he won't let them check him.

    I'm going to put him in the field all day Friday since being in isn't doing any good. Do you think it could be something to do with the stable causing it? Stiffness?

    Also could it be because he hasn't had his feet trimmed. He's lived on a mountain so his feet look really good but could this cause lameness on just one leg?

    I'm going to get the farrier as soon as he lets me pick all his feet up, and then the vet if he's still not sound but is there anything I can do in the meantime?

    Also I'm panicking about it being something serious but if it came on in a week is it more likely to be a pulled muscle, or kick in the field or something?

    Sorry for the essay. Any help appreciated!

    7 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Information on hanovarian x warmbloods?

    I just bought a hanovarian x warmblood. I'm hoping to back and sell him on.

    I've been looking at horses the same breed and they are up for really high prices. Eg a foal for £2000. The cheapest iv seen was lightly backed at £4000 and the rest are all around £6000.

    Is this just the breed that's desirable? Could I sell my horse for this kind of money? He's 16.2hh 4 yo gelding and has augerman bloodlines.

    Any help/info on the breed appreciated.

    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • PLEASE HELP I need a catchy name for my horse business?

    Setting up my own business mainly buying horses breaking them in then selling.

    I will be setting up a YouTube and twitter account to help me sell horse but I need a catchy name for these and possibly my business name.

    Something catchy to do with horses, and possibly my name Becky. I want it to sound professional as it is a business.


  • Things to teach/do with a horse to increase value?

    I like to buy horses to sell on. I break them in, hack out, go the beach, cross country, one or two shows. Il pull the mane, bath and trim them up, then sell. Is there anything else I could do to add value, that wouldn't take too much time or money? Any ideas welcome!

    5 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Making money buying and selling horses?

    Over the last year ive bought and sold 3 horses and made quite a bit of money. All were 4 years old. One was a 14.2 black cob, one was a chestnut section d, and one was a 16hh warmblood. So they are all pretty different but I broke them in, and sold them and made a profit (taking into account cost to keep as well - keeping them in a stable on a livery yard).

    I've just been reading/hearing people's opinion saying it's impossible to make money on horses, but I was thinking about carrying on and using the money for a deposit for my own yard. So then i can do it on a bigger scale. Is that crazy?

    I just wanted to hear everyone's opinions and success/failure stories buying horses to make a profit.

    7 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • One lame horse, one stiff horse? Advice?

    My horse had his yearly flu jab. I rode the day after and noticed it was slightly swelled and he was stiff in his neck so I got off straight away. His neck was wobbly like jelly, it's usually hard muscle. I hosed it with cool water. It's still the same today what should I do?

    Also rode my other horse yesterday and he was slightly lame in trot. He has a crack in his hoof it's narrow but all the way to the top. Iv had his feet trimmed recently. He was lame last week but I kept him in and he was fine the next day. What can I do to help the crack and stop him being lame? How long will it take?

    Not a good day for my ponies yesterday! Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Backing a horse without lunging?

    I'm really struggling to get my horse to lunge. He is really nervous of the ropes and whip. He just panic and runs and gets really tense and stressed out. Iv long lined him in walk but as soon as I move to the side and he sees the lines the same thing happens.

    He's had tack on, iv sat on him and been lead round just in a head collar and hes been amazing. He's accepted the bit and he's really relax even when I move about on his back.

    I was wondering, do you think I could just back him without lunging? He has breaks from walking and halting long reining, and I'm confident I could get on and walk and halt with someone leading me. Do you think I could do it this way? Why/why not? Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Should I change my horses name from what's on his passport?

    I don't want to change the passport but his name is jasper and I don't like that, would it be stupid to have 'jasper' on his passport but call him something else, AND have another name for his 'show' name.

    Also any ideas for names? 16hh cheeky coloured gelding. Variations of jasper? And a show name?

    2 AnswersImmigration9 years ago
  • Horse opens her mouth, stretches her neck out then pulls her head down?

    She's started doing this as soon as you put the bridle on. She pulls you right out the saddle when she does it. She's only been backed 2 months and is in a French link hanging cheek.

    I'm going to try a happy mouth bit but I don't know which one? Straight bars will she grab and pull more? And I'm going to get her teeth done. What do you think is causing it and how can I fix it?

    And it's not if you have to much contact because she does it before you even get on once the bridle is on.


    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Feed advice? How much do I feed and how long will it take?

    I'm putting my horse on topline conditioning cubes to build him up a bit, he's not underweight but he's a section d so I'd like him to be chunkier.

    He's 15hh and weights 430 right now.

    I'd say he was on quite a lot of work however he has a lot of energy! I ride about an hour a day 5 days a week.

    How much should I feed him in one feed? How many feeds a day? And how long will it take for me to see results?


    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago