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Favorite Answers10%
  • Can I use spray on hair dye when a straighten my naturally curly hair?

    My hair is super curly (I m mixed), and when I flat iron it I can t get it wet or it will curl back up. Will using spray on hair dye cause it to curl up? I want to flat iron my hair for a concert, but also want to temporarily dye it.

    1 AnswerHair5 years ago
  • How much makeup should a 13 year old wear?

    And how to make it as natural looking/subtle as possible? I usually use a tinted moisturizer, concealer, finishing powder, a little mascara and lipgloss.

    3 AnswersMakeup6 years ago
  • How to keep the skin around my mouth from getting dry and flaky?

    I don't know why, but that one area is always dried up by the end of the day. It looks gross. I've been using olive oil and a tinted moisturizer. It helped a lot but it still only lasts about 4 hours until I'm all flaky again. Tips?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What shoes to wear with this outfit?

    Colors, styles, pictures, all appreciated. Thanks!

    20 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • What do I wear to a Persian wedding?

    I know it should be pretty extravagant. The only gown I have is a Moroccan kaftan. Would that be appropriate? Otherwise I just have church dresses. Should I get a new one? Thanks ahead of time!

    4 AnswersWeddings6 years ago
  • What color should I dye my hair next?

    My hair is Manic Panic s Vampire Red right now (not bleached). I only dyed it a couple days ago but I want to start thinking of the next color now. I m even considering a natural color. I have black hair, tan skin with gold undertones (I m mixed), and brown eyes if that helps any. Thanks!

    1 AnswerHair6 years ago
  • Way to cover up scars for a pool party?

    I'm going to a pool party tomorrow, I've been doing treatment to fade my scars for a couple months in prep for summer but they still are pretty noticeable. Should I get water proof make up or something? It's also my crushes party and it'll be so embarrassing. HELP ME PLZ.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body6 years ago
  • Was he flirting over text?

    FINALLY got my crush to text me, and I think he was flirting. He used a lot of smiley and laugh emoji s as we talked and he tried to keep the convoy going. He said "Night" with a crescent emoji and was super sweet.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do I become better friends with this guy?

    I have a crush on one of my guy friends. The thing is, we are just okay friends. I'd just like to become closer with him. He seems a bit interested in me "that way", but nothing can really happen until something really grows between us. He's really awkward and shyish around girls. Any advice/tips?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • New pen pal in Japan? What to say?

    I'm part of the Japan club at my school, and my Japanese teacher found a girl my age at our sister school in Japan that I'm going to become pen pals with. It's a learning opportunity for the two of us. My only issue is, I'm sending the first letter and I have no idea how to start. Good questions? Topics? Tips and advice? Anything will help, thanks!

    4 AnswersJapan6 years ago
  • My mom barge into my room while I was dancing and now I m grounded?

    So I was dancing, having me time and goofing off and stuff. You know whatever. Then my mom swings my door open, since I m half dressed I close it and say "wait a minute! Knock first!" and when I opened the door she started going on and on about "don t slam the door in my face" "MY HOUSE MY ROOM" and blah blah. When I tried to tell her I was doing something private she said I was "talking back" took my phone and I can t go out next weekend. Is this fair?

    6 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Getting the guys friend to do the talking for me?

    I like a guy who I'm already friends with (we'll call him C). We have a few friends in common. One of those mutual friends (we'll call K) knows I have a HUGE crush on C. I tried to get a "group date" to happen but it didn't work. No one could make it. I had this idea to get K to talk me up or drop hints to C. But my friends said it was stupid idea. I'm starting to think it is too. Is it? I really just want to give up right now. 1. I know he doesn't like me 2. My ideas are dumb 3. If we're already friends and I have trouble talking to him what's the point? Any feedback or advice will be helpful (:

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do I get him to talk to me again?

    So I like this guy. There was a party on Saturday and during the slow dance he danced with me. I thought it was going pretty well besides the fact he avoided all eye contact :/ Then he didn't speak to me for the rest of the night, just gave me a few a glances. We said bye to each other and that's it. I guess it was pretty awkward, and today in school he avoided me. Didn't say hi, didn't look at me. He's normally a shy/awkward guy anyways. But do you think I did something wrong? Was it too awkward? How can I fix it?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How do I avoid the friend zone with this guy?

    So I'm friends with this guy and all of friends constantly talk about how cute we would look together. And recently I realized I like him. The thing is, he's really awkward, especially around girls. I can't tell if I'm friend zoned or he's to awkward to do anything or take a hint. I've sat on his lap before and that's as far as I've gotten past the touch barrier, which I think is pretty good. He wouldn't dance with me at a party we both went to recently though. We talk often in a group chat and during lunch. He's never at school before it starts and he's always studying after school so I'm not sure how to get closer to him outside of lunch. So how can I get closer and avoid the "friend zone" with an awkward guy who is always busy before and after school? HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What color should I dye my hair?

    I'm leaning towards a dark purple or red. I'm biracial, so I have tan skin. I have dark brown eyes and black hair. Just in case a small description will help. Thanks ahead of time!

    16 AnswersHair6 years ago
  • Was this grade fair?

    So in French we had to make a PowerPoint with pictures of various rooms of our "dream house." Then we had to describe those rooms in two or more sentences each. There also had to be a brochure with it. My school uses this sucky program called vdesktop. Basically an online desktop that we have to use for any school work, that way we can access it from any computer. It glitches a lot. When I went to save my brochure and PowerPoint, it refused to save, then deleted the whole thing. BOTH. I explained that to my teacher and I was able to receive the PowerPoint but not the brochure and had to do that part over. So she said no late penalty (which is 10% per day late) and I would just present next class. Next class I was ready to present and emailed her the PowerPoint. TWICE. But for some reason the email wouldn't go through. The email finally came through AFTER class and she said "okay, I see you sent it, just do it next time" again. SHE STILL GAVE ME THE LATE PENALTY EVEN THOUGH IT WASN'T MY FAULT. Like I control when the stupid vdesktop email works? So I got a 78%. And in the comments she also said, "do not simply read your presentation." Even though that's exactly what she said to do. "DESCRIBE THE ROOM IN TWO OR MORE SENTENCES." Which means: I HAVE TO READ THE SENTENCES I WROTE DOWN. What more could she need? Was my 78% fair? Even though I can't control the school's crappy system works and when the teacher apparently didn't understand he own directions?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • What is happening!?!?

    (Please read whole thing) I really like a guy right now (Guy A, a friend). But now my mind is tripping me. Okay so last year I liked my best guy friend (Guy B). He stood me up twice on my attempts to go out with him. After that I was over him (this happened over summer), then when school got back up according all his friends and a bunch of girls at school, he liked me now. But of course I no longer liked him and moved on to the next guy. He soon got over me. Last night I had a dream about him though. He was being really sweet and romantic and we were lying in the grass have a deep conversation. I had butterflys in my stomach when I woke up. Then I remembered I'm supposed to be over him and flipped out, now I'm scared I could start to like him again (we're still friends). Okay and now there's another guy (Guy C). We keep having these romantic encounters, to the point where I've even got to sit in his lap once. (he is also a good friend). We had a really sweet and personal conversation on Friday and we're just getting close and intimate. I'm flipping out. I know I like Guy A, but I'm dreaming about Guy B, and only really getting somewhere with Guy C. I don't know what I'm doing, I'm really confused. Guy A might also like me, and Guy C might too. I'm pretty sure Guy B is over me. Am I being a ***** and leading them on? Or am I just really stupid and confusing myself? I know I can only date one.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I wasn't invited?

    So this guy in school threw a huge party last night. He supposedly invited the whole grade. All my friends got an invite (except for 1), but I didn't. This friend doesn't get invited to anything anyways. But I always do. Do you think my invite was lost in mail? Or was a just not invited? I feel really bad because all my friends are talking about it and so our people from my school online. ToT how do I get over it? I feel like a loser.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • How do I handle this rooming situation?

    So my school is going on a trip to Florida in a few weeks. When we picked roommates I roomed with a friend (we'll call her m) and this girl I absolutely can't stand (we'll call her g), but she was a friend of m so I didn't really mind. But I am done with this girls crap she's already arguing on how she needs a bed and refuses so swap for the couch bed every other night and how she needs a personal nightstand and all the time she wants in bathroom. G expects us to basically give her princess treatment (I won't of course) but this'll be a hard week with her. Plus her and I are officially fighting over a guy. Now m is starting to pick up her conceited behavior and started believing she's better than everyone, so we aren't on good terms either. My chaperone group is great, but I'm not sure how I'm gonna get through the week without stabbing someone. Oh and the guy we both are after is in the chaperone group. I can't switch rooms and I already plan on taking the couch bed which is in a separate area from the main bedroom. What else can I do besides bring a freaking knife?

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • My "friend" and I are silently fighting over a guy!?!?

    So my "friend" (more of a friend of friend I hang out with) and I had liked the same guy for a while now. I knew she liked him (she is creepily obsessed in fact) but I couldn't help but get to know him and get super close. I think she's noticed I liked him by now. At this point it's pretty much a silent fight over this guy, we've haven't said it out loud, but things are pretty tense, especially when he's around.We're both all over him. He doesn't like her for a fact. (I'm friends with his friend who told me). What should I do?

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago